Chapter 43

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I had now been back at the office for a week. Same shit different day again. But I guess the good thing about me having been in London for a month was the fact that I was now insanely busy with work seeing clients, getting things back up and running properly.

I was working through a file when my phone started to ring. It wasn't a number I recognised but I occasionally used my personal phone to make work calls so this didn't surprise me.

"Hello Saffron speaking?" I chimed down the line.

"Hey Saff" a deep voice replied.

My heart dropped and my stomach filled with anxiety.

"Ethan?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah it's me" he replied.

"Why are you calling?" I said becoming annoyed.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to get together this week"

"No. Thank you"

"Please Saf give me a chance"

"I said no. Now please I have a job to do"

"Great idea I'll meet you at your work"


"I'll meet you at work"

"No. Ethan please"

"Please Saf"

"Ugh Ethan what could you possibly want?" I barked.

"I just want to talk to you. Apologise. Please" he begged.

"I'll let you know" I said hanging up.

I groaned before putting my head in my hands.

"Who was that?" Lottie asked turning around in her seat.

"Ethan" I mumbled through my hands.

"Damn" she said looking sympathetic "you wanna talk about it?"

"No" I whined.

It's fine I whispered to myself. I threw my phone to the side and continued working on what I was doing. I was pushing Ethan to the back of my mind for now. I needed to focus on work for the moment.

I was able to make it through the day but Ethan and his phone call were in the back of my mind. I could hear his voice just lingering. I was curious as to what he could possibly want or want to talk about. What happened happened and so be it.

_ _ _

I was undecided about Ethan. I was now at home lying on top of my bed just thinking. I was curious as to what he wanted to say but at the same time I felt it disrespectful to talk to him without asking what Carlos thought. I anxiously waited for his name to pop up on my phone.

"Saffy" Carlos hummed a smile lighting up his face.

"Hey Carlos" I said smiling at him through the screen.

"How are you?" He asked as he set up his phone and got comfortable on the couch he was sitting on.

"Good good. How are you?" I asked biting my thumbnail.

"I'm good. Are you sure you're okay?" Carlos asked tilting his head.

"My ex boyfriend rang me today at work" I blurted. A pained expression on my face.

"What?" He asked looking confused "what you mean?"

"He called me at work today on my phone. He wants to catch up for a drink this week. Says he wants to apologise"

"Well" Carlos said breathing in analysing the screen "what do you want to do"

"I would be lying if I didn't say I was curious. But I will do what you are comfortable with"

"Well first I would love some context"

"As to why we broke up or?"

"Well yeah. What happened"

"We met when I was really young. I had just turned 18, I was a stripper, just starting uni. He was 22 and working at another law firm at the time. I was young and stupid" I shrugged.

"You were a stripper?"

"That's all you got out of that?" I giggled.

"Sorry but it's a big detail. You didn't tell me before. You just said waitress"

"Well it's not something you like to share" I said as if I was stating something obvious.

"Fair enough but you need to tell me more about this stripping thing. Is that how you guys met or?"

"No I needed a job when I was at uni because I was saving up to move out of home where I am now and I knew a couple girls who were stripping. They made good money and so I thought we'll why not. Spend my days studying and then spend my nights earning money"

"How often did you work?"

"Depends on how much money I needed" I laughed "sometimes 5 or 6 days a week".

"And how you meet him?" Carlos asked raising an eyebrow.

"We met at a night club. One night after work I was out with some of the girls and we went with a couple guys to a bar. I met him there and then from that night on we just hung out you know"

"And then why did you break up?"

"In the end he wasn't good for me. We didn't want the same things or need the same things. It was messy" I said scrunching up my face.

"Saffron I have so many questions" Carlos said laughing and shaking his head.

"Well what else did you want to know" I asked smiling.

"So much Amore so much but there is not enough time in the day to do that" he laughed.

"Fair enough"

"So Amore, you can do what you want. Just let me know what you do. I trust you 100 percent" he said smiling.

"Okay" I nodded a small smile gracing my lips.

Carlos and I talked for a couple more hours and I couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind. He was still set on coming here so obviously he trusted me enough to talk with Ethan. The one thing I didn't want was to ignore him and then he show up at my workplace and then I'm really fucked. Carlos did however mention that he wanted to know exactly what happened which is fair enough. I promised to indulge more about my personal life when he was here and we were away.

In relation to Ethan, I decided that I would call him tomorrow morning and arrange for drinks tomorrow afternoon/evening at one of the local bars along the river in the city. There would be a 1 drink maximum. We are purely going to talk about what he told me which was his apology and whatever else he needed to say. I would remain calm, react appropriately and then leave and that be that.

I would then call Carlos and tell him what happened. I asked Lottie and El to come along but sit at a table in close proximity to monitor the situation. Not that I was worried about anything, Ethan would never lay a hand on me, but also so that around an hour into the conversation (if it went that long) I could have an excuse to leave. But also because I really did have plans and it was dinner with my girlfriends.


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