Chapter 59

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Charles POV

I blinked my eyes open, my vision slightly blurred as I rubbed my eyes looking out onto the balcony of the hotel room seeing Lewis doing Yoga. I was slightly confused. This was not my room, or my bed, but somehow I was here. I felt around in my pockets for my wallet and phone. They were still there. Thank god. I pulled my phone out. 10% battery left. Great. I checked the time - currently 8am. I pushed myself up off the bed and immediately put my head in my hands feeling my brain pulsate inside my skull.

I was wildly hungover from last nights celebration party. Last night was the last race of the season and the boys all went out into the night to get drunk and have fun. I somehow found myself in Lewis's room. Feeling groggy and sort of like shit, i managed to push myself off the hotel bed and out to the balcony to Lewis.

"Good morning" Lewis said as if he could see me behind him. Maybe he did have some sort of sixth sense.

"Morning" I said in a groggy tone frowning at Lewis "god it's fucking bright" I said squinting.

"So I take it you're hungover" he said stifling a laugh.

I whined looking over at Lewis "why did I bunk with you?"

"To be honest I'm not totally sure myself" Lewis said shrugging.

"Well I better get back to my room. I need a shower and some breakfast" I said shaking my head.

Lewis laughed and waved goodbye.

I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on as well as my shirt from last night before heading out of Lewis's room. I wandered straight down the hall and to the left. As I approached my hotel room that I was sharing with Carlos, I noticed the do not disturb sign was hanging on the door knob. I raised an eyebrow to it before scanning my room key and unlocking the door. It was practically pitch black and freezing cold.

I wandered over to the curtains trying my best not to trip over anything. I managed to grab onto them and pulled them open all the way allowing the morning light to come in "gosh it might be a bit too bright" I mumbled to myself before turning around. I saw Carlos asleep in bed but noticed he wasn't alone. My eyes wandered over to the body occupying the space next to him.

I wasn't sure if it was the fact that I was hungover but I was struggling to see who this mystery person was. I slowly and quietly walked over to the bed and upon closer inspection noticed this was not Saffron. Saffron wasn't here. She was currently working her ass off in London.

As the pieces in my head finally clicked my eyes widened and my mouth dropped open. I stood staring at them for a couple moments when Carlos slowly opened his eyes squinting and checking the time on his phone. He groaned looking at the time before his eyes fell to my face showing visible stress. He raised an eyebrow before looking over next to him.

As soon as he saw the woman next to him he jumped out of the bed, eyes wide and a worried look flooding his face. No words could come out of my mouth, instead I just made gestures with my lips. Carlos immediately grabbed my arm and pulled me outside onto the balcony quickly shutting the door behind him.

"Who the fuck is that?" I said in a stern and low voice, one eye on Carlos and the other on this mystery woman.

"I don't know" he said running his hands through his hair visibly stressed.

"Well I can tell you who it's not. It's not your fucking girlfriend who's currently in London" I said getting more and more stern.

"I know I know. Oh my god if she finds out I'm screwed" he said panicking wandering over to the balcony railing and looking down.

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