Chapter 23

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It had been 4 months since Carlos had broken up with me. But I was doing really well. Work was going great. I finished my course, we hired two extra paralegals, I had come up with some new plans and a delegation system. It was going really well. My boss was stoked especially because we were bringing in new clients and getting new work from existing clients which meant more money in the door.

In just two months I had to present to the board whether or not my team was doing well. It made me nervous but at the same time I was killing it. I was finally achieving what I wanted to do. The extra long nights and weekend work was all going to be worth it and pay off in the long run so I didn't mind that I had to make those sacrifices.

I was finally in a good headspace too. I was looking good, feeling good and I no longer had a horrible relationship to think about. It was great. My life was finally moving in the direction I wanted.

As I finalised some paper work on my desk I logged off. I was taking an early mark today. Well actually I was finishing and leaving the office on time tonight for the first time in months. Lottie had invited El and I over for a sleepover at her house. Unfortunately El couldn't make it, she was in Sydney visiting her family for her sisters birthday so it left Lottie and myself.

I packed up my stuff and headed out towards reception to wait for Lottie. She swiftly made her way out of the office and we took the elevator downstairs. As we wandered out of the building, we headed out to Lotties place. She had a 1 bedroom apartment in the City overlooking the river.

Rent was a killer but she was happy to be loving there so she didn't mind paying for it. We ended up getting takeaway and eating at her place rather than go out. As we finished up dinner I got up and went over to my bag rummaging around.

To thank Lottie for everything she had done for me the past few months I'd booked her a spa package at Clear Mountain Lodge. Honestly it was the least I could do.

"Close your eyes" I said getting excited.

"Okay" she said laughing

"Now hold out your hands"

She obliged and I put the envelope in it.

She opened her eyes, looked at me and then the envelope. As she opened it her eyes went wide. "Babe you really didn't have to"

"Yes I did! You have been so good to me these last 4 months I wanted to repay you somehow. Now this isn't enough but it's a start" I said sitting in front of her.

She teared up "you're such an idiot" she laughed giving me a hug.

As we chatted about the spa package I bought my phone started to ring. I pulled it out and gasped.

"Who is it?" Lottie asked as the smile faded from her face when I showed her my phone. "Let me answer" she said grabbing the phone answering and putting it on loud speaker.

"Saf?" Carlos's voice called out.

My heart fluttered.

"You got some nerve calling asshole" Lottie hissed.


"What the hell do you want?"

"Is saffron there?"

"Why do you care?"

"I just" he sighed

"Just what. You think she'd want to talk to you after what you did. After what you said"

"No. I was just calling to see how she and the baby were doing". 

Lotties eyes went wide before she put the phone on mute.

"You haven't told him?!"

I shook my head. "I tried when we were arguing but he cut me off".

"I'm telling him" she said unmuting the phone.

"Sure" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"What did you say sorry?" She asked

"I wanted to see how Saffron and the baby were doing"

"Oh Carlos" she said tutting at him "you don't know"

"Don't know what?" He asked. A sense of urgency arising in his voice.

"The pregnancy wasn't viable. She had to terminate"

The line went silent for a while.

"Hello? Why do you care anyway. Like you said. You didn't even think it was your baby. You thought she was a cheating gold digger. She doesn't owe you anything. But now all of a sudden you care?" Lottie spat at him.

The line was still silent.

"Are you going to say anything?"

"Can I please talk to Saffron?"

"No. And by the way, we know about your new girl. You got some nerve calling like this"

I had never seen Lottie so furious before.

"Please I need to talk to her. I need to tell her I'm sorry. I still love her. That other girl. It was nothing" Carlos was practically begging at this point.

"No. If you loved her, you wouldn't have done what you did" and with that Lottie hung up.

"Wow" I said as she handed me back my phone.

"Feels good to get it off your chest" she said taking a deep breath and breathing out wiping her sweaty hands on her pants "wine?" she asked getting up and wandering to the fridge.

"Please" I said laughing.

It was odd. I didn't care that Carlos had called. I didn't care that he said he wanted to talk to me. And I didn't care that he admitted he still loved me. I guess a part of me was moving on. Saffron 3 months ago would have jumped on that call desperately. But Saffron now? She was doing good.

She was in a healthy mindset. She wasn't going to let him ruin her groove. I was proud of this Saffron.

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