Chapter 18

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I woke up the next morning feeling like absolute shit. I squinted my eyes open and studied the room around me. God it was fucking bright. I tried to sit up and immediately regretted my decision. I needed to spew. And if I didn't do it now it was going to be all over the bed.

I quickly made my way toward the bathroom slamming the toilet seat open and spewing up the contents of last night into the loo. I wiped my mouth and stood up before immediately crouching back down and spewing up my guts. God shots were never ever ever a good idea I thought. I sat on the floor of the bathroom and slumped over leaving against the wall, head in my hands trying to stop the room from spinning.

I wiped my mouth and slowly rose to my feet. I was feeling a lot better after chucking my guts up but gold almighty did the hangover set in. I flushed the toilet and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like absolute shit. I had panda eyes, my hair was a mess, I had lipstick smeared on my face and arms. It's a wonder Carlos wasn't freaked out by my appearance. Speaking of I thought. I hadn't seen him this morning. I peaked my head round the corner of the bathroom door into the bedroom. No sign of the Spaniard. He must be out.

I thanked god that he was out and hadn't had a good chance to look at me. I stripped off and immediately jumped into the shower letting the hot water wash off last night. I practically scrubbed every inch of my body and washed my hair trying to get the smell of cigarettes, sweat and alcohol off of me.

As I finished up I quickly dried off, moisturised and put on a face of makeup. It was qualifying today and I was going to be out in the paddock and the garage in front of cameras and fans so I had to look my best. To be honest, getting drunk the night before was probably not my best move but it is what it is.

As I finished off my makeup I grabbed an outfit out of my bag, I decided on a tartan mini skirt, a black loose fitting singlet and my knee high leather boots. I quickly did my hair and threw on my sunnies hoping they would cover up any hint of hangover that might be peeking out underneath my makeup.

As I wandered out of the bedroom into the kitchen to grab some breakfast I found a note from Carlos.

I picked you up a fresh croissant - it's on the bench to your left. There's also chai in the pantry if you're feeling like a chai latte.
- Carlos

I smiled down at the note before heading to the pantry and making myself an iced chai. I grabbed the croissant and headed over to the table to eat, pulling out my phone to check my messages.

1 new message from Lewis Hamilton via Instagram

Hey Saf, just wanted to see how you pulled up this morning. You were drunk as a skunk last night lol.

I cringed at the sight of Lewis's message hoping I hadn't embarrassed myself too much.

1 new message from Carlos Sainz via text

Amore, I hope you're awake. I'll be home in 10 minutes and then we need to head off to qualifying x

I smiled at Carlos's message feeling all giddy inside. I couldn't wait for him to show me off honestly. But I promised myself that I wouldn't show off to the cameras or make a big deal of anything. I didn't want too much attention drawn to myself. If there were cameras and I happened to be in the shot then so be it but no way was I going out of my way to be there.

Carlos and I agreed to take our relationship public and I agreed that he could talk about me but only ever if the situation arose and it was in relation to me. Otherwise I didn't really want anything about me being exposed to the general public. I had an image and a career to uphold and I couldn't let it be tarnished by something silly that Carlos accidentally let slip his mind.

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