Chapter 31

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I had spent the next couple of days getting used to my surroundings. I practiced the route to and from the office multiple times and ensured that I had the right transport apps and cards on my person. I had also used some of that time to go sight seeing in between seeing all of what I could before I would become focused on work.

I tried to leave some things out as Lewis wanted to be there to enjoy them with me and I texted him promising I hadn't gone anywhere he wanted to go after he had seen the multiple posts on my Instagram story.

After grabbing dinner at a local pub I headed back to my hotel and packed my small hand luggage ready to board the plane to Italy tomorrow. I was slightly nervous as I didn't speak the language at all and I wasn't sure how I was going to getting around. Thankfully Lewis had arranged for a driver to meet me at the airport to at least get me to the hotel. After that he assured me that someone would be with me at some point during the weekend so I didn't need to stress too much.

_ _ _

I arrived at the airport and got on my flight. Thankfully this would be a quick one and I wouldn't be feeling as horrific as when I had flown into London. I slipped in my AirPods and feel asleep on the plane to make time pass. This was the one thing I was thankful I could and that was fall asleep just about anywhere at any time. I had learnt to block out all surrounding noises and get comfy before pulling myself into a sleep.

I woke up fluttering my eyes awake and wish I could I say I was looking hot but to be honest I was fully aware of the fact I had fallen asleep, head back and mouth open. I quickly wiped my mouth and tidied myself up. I tried to convince myself that I was never going to see these people ever again so it was fine if I didn't look great.

I shook my head before turning towards the window to watch the plane land. As promised, I met a driver sent by Lewis in the terminal and we headed off to the hotel. As we arrived, there were fans everywhere. I pulled on my sunglasses and thanked the driver before making a beeline into the lobby.

I texted Lewis and let him know I was downstairs before checking in. It was 11am and I assumed that Lewis would be at practice and that's why he wasn't responding. I grabbed my room key and headed up the elevator. As I settled myself in Lewis texted and told me to order a taxi from the Lobby to get to the race grounds.

I gave him a thumbs up emoji and let him know I would be there in about an hour. After setting my bags down I shoved my room key in my bag and headed back down to the lobby asking for a taxi. As I waited around I noticed some people staring at me. I pretended not to see them and pushed my way out of the lobby toward the vehicle waiting for me.

I hopped in and was off to the track. I must admit I was quite excited to be on track instead of watching from a TV screen at 3am. I watched as things went by and I admired the architectural beauty of Italy.

We eventually arrived and I hopped out navigating my way through the crowds towards the paddock. I texted Lewis giving him an update on my location and he told me to head straight to the Mercedes garage.

As instructed I headed through the paddock walking past the various garages. As I wandered past I couldn't help but notice the Ferrari garage. I slowed my stride down smiling to myself before seeing Charles come out.

"Charlie" I shouted waving

"Saff" he said eyes going wide and running over. He gave me a hug "good to see you chérie. Where are you off to?"

I pointed towards the Mercedes garage "off to see Lewis"

"I'll see you later yes?" He asked staring me down.

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