Chapter 67

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Lottie had arrived two days ago and was currently asleep in bed at 11.30am on a Saturday. Tonight I would be hosting my first ever party in my flat and I couldn't be more excited. I had successfully made a couple of friends, I had my own apartment, my job was going steady and I had a perfect boyfriend. What more could I possibly ask for?

I was currently preparing the apartment, making sure everything was clean, my personal things had been put away and that there was enough snacks for the evening. I planned on ordering pizza for dinner because that meant I had absolutely 0 to do to prepare for that. Happy with what I had done, I wandered to the spare room and jumped on Lottie's bed.

"Ugh" she groaned rolling over to face me.

"Morning" I smiled down at her.

"Is it always like this in the mornings?" She asked.

"Like what?" I asked confused.

"Joyful" she said before pulling the sheet back over her head.

I rolled my eyes before getting up off the bed and pulling the blinds off which earn't another groan from Lottie. I pat her leg and laughed before wandering back into the living room.

"Come on Lot" I yelled before a wild Lottie appeared in front of me. She had pulled the doona off the bed and had rolled herself into a burrito so only her head was sticking out before plonking herself on the couch.

"Coffee?" I asked leaning on the bench.

"Please" she said looking at me squinting.

"We'll go get dressed and we'll get a late Brekky" I said laughing grabbing my coat and bag.

Lottie eventually showered and joined me for a late breakfast at a local cafe near the apartment. She quizzed me on who would be attending, who was single, any gossip and who she should look out for.

"Hey" I said playing with my coffee cup.

"Yeah?" She asked tearing off a piece of muffin.

"What do you think about having friendships with other guys whilst you have a boyfriend?"

"What do you mean?" She asked confused.

"So Carlos isn't the biggest fan of me being friends with Lewis, Charles and now Max. Really not a big fan at all. I tried to tell him it's purely platonic but I don't know" I said looking into my cup "his reaction a couple days ago just didn't sit right with me" I said looking at her with concern.

Lottie shrugged "maybe he's a bit of a jealous guy?" She said.

"Yeah" I said sighing.

"Honesty?" She asked staring at me seeing I wasn't happy with her response.

This was the good thing about Lottie. She would give me a response to please me in the moment but if she could tell that I wasn't happy with it she would say honesty? Meaning did I want an honest answer or just a sympathetic one so I could complain because sometimes that's just all I wanted to do.

"Please" I said dropping my cup back on the table.

"It sounds like a bit of a red flag. I mean it's hot that he wants you and doesn't want other men to have you but seriously. Men and women can be friends. Full stop" she said looking visibly annoyed.

"I know!"

"Maybe you need to approach him about it"

"Maybe you're right" I said picking at my nails "later" I said shrugging it off.

_ _ _

Carlos POV

It was now 7pm and Saff's housewarming was in full effect. People were everywhere, drinks were available, snacks were out, Saff had ordered dinner. Things were going really well and I was so happy she was happy.

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