Chapter 53

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It was finally the day. I was finally going to London. It was 4am and I was a mixture of scared, excited and nervous. I was currently packing up the last of my things in my suitcase. My dad kindly offering to drive me to the airport. Mum had been stress sleeping and my brothers reluctantly got up to say good bye.

I quickly did an itinerary check, makeup, gum, Valium, kindle, air pods, deodorant. Yes. That's everything. I can buy a charger for my phone when I get there to save using an adapter for a year. Yes. Yes. I was really doing this. I was really about to move halfway across the country. Away from everyone. Away from family. And friends.

Oh my god.

Was I really doing this?

Was I actually doing this?

Oh god.

Is this a mistake.





It was going to be fine. I am going to be absolutely fine. I am making a great decision. Could be the best decision of my career. And even if I don't like it. At least I tried it. Oh god am I an idiot.

Jesus I thought to myself. What am I doing.

I packed the last of my things and wheeled my bag out to front door. Mum was already tearing up looking at my things. Finn and Harry were falling asleep on the lounge and dad. Well. He's just dad. I said goodbye to my brothers and I was met with hugs but no tears. I moved to my mum who immediately burst into tears and I shedded a few myself.

"Dont worry ma. I'll see you before you know it" you said squeezing her shoulders.

"Let's go Saf we don't want you to miss your flight" dad said picking up my bags and loading them into the boot of the car.

This was it.

I waved goodbye as I got into the passenger seat and settled in. I watched my mum break down more as we drove off, watching them become little ants in the distance. The car ride with dad was silent and I could see his eyes frequently welling tears as he blinked them away quickly.

We eventually made it to the airport and dad parked up helping me wheel my big suitcase to the check in screen. We printed the tag and slapped her on and I prayed to god she would make it to London. I checked the time, less than 2 hours to board my flight. I turned to my dad and gave him a long hug. He looked at me and I noticed a single tear roll down his cheek.

"Got get 'em kid" he said as I wiped the tear from his face.

"Thanks dad" I said tears now flowing.

I quickly embraced him in another hug before grabbing my suitcase and heading for security. I did one look back and waved and dad waved back standing there prouder than I had ever seen. I smiled and quickly ran to the security line before I got any more upset than I was.

I eventually made it through and made it to my gate. I popped my first Valium and stuck my AirPods in trying to relax. It was going to be okay. I would see my boyfriend soon. I was going to be with Lewis so I wasn't totally going to be on my own. It was going to be okay.

As I sat at my gate I checked my phone and noticed a message from Lewis.

Lewis: will meet you at the gate when you get here x see you soon Saf x

Me: thanks Lew. See you soon.

I took a breath and tried to calm myself before the flight. It was going to be okay. I just had to get to Perth and then from there to London. How hard could it be?

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