Chapter 35

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"So wait. Let me get this straight. He's tried to reconcile with you multiple times but you don't want to?" Lottie's asked taking a spoonful of rice into her mouth.

I chewed on my thumbnail holding the phone in between my knees as I sat on my bed.

"Yes. He was really nice. We even kissed a little"

"WHAT" she said dropping her spoon making a loud noise

"I was super drunk and I stopped it I swear!"

"Oh my god Saff, two weeks without El and I and you're running rampant" she said laughing.

"Oh god I hate myself for this you know. I hate him because of what he said to me and the way he left but at the same time, I miss him. I still get butterflies when I see him"

"Well as much as I hate myself for saying this but maybe you need to chat with him?" She said taking another mouthful "get closure" she said munching away mouth full.

"Do you think?"

"I can't tell you what to do but this sounds like a classic case of you need closure"

"Maybe I should just talk to him. But I'm worried that he's going to say something stupid and then I'm just going to get angry"

"Well I think you just need to calmly meet with each other. Let him talk even if it angers you and then you rebut. Like a debate"

"Oh god maybe you're right" I said rubbing my hands over my face".

"So apart from your horrible love life how's work?"

"It's going good. It's super interesting up here but everyone is really nice and they've taken to the procedures I've put in place. Thanks for helping out over the past week by the way it's been good having someone be able to show a different side" I sighed.

"Aye only cause I love ya" she said laughing.

Lottie and I chatted for a while. She was seeing a new guy that she was really excited to introduce me to. From the pictures she'd done well he was very attractive, a manager at some start up tech company. He seemed like a cool guy.

Eventually we said our goodbye and Lottie returned back to work. She was working from home today so she wasn't super stressed about her hours but I didn't want to keep her for too long.

I threw my phone to the side and checked the time. 9pm. I wasn't really sure what to do so I turned on the tv and clicked through the channels desperate to watch anything at this point. I settled on watching a movie that was on when I heard a knock at my door.

Confused I slid off the bed and wandered down the hall looking through the peephole. My eyes widened and I unlocked and opened the door "Carlos" I said standing in the doorway "what are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you Saf" he said pain in his eyes.

"How did you get here? Where are you staying? What are you doing here?" I asked a million questions running through my mind.

"I'm here visiting Lando, and I'm also staying with Lando but I knew you were staying somewhere in London so I asked Lottie but she wouldn't tell me in fact she told me to shut up and stop talking to her so then I asked Lewis but he was going to tell you so I asked Lando and Charles and they said they weren't too sure so I've just been knocking on peoples doors around here because the concierge wouldn't tell me if you were staying here".

"Huh" I said staring at him.

"Can I come in?"

"Um" I said biting my lip thinking about Lotties words "sure".

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