Chapter 36

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I was not in good spirits. I didn't get very good sleep last night. I tossed and turned thinking about my chat with Carlos last night. As much as I was emotionally satiated with our chat, I couldn't help but stress about the thought of having my heart shattered again. I know it probably sounds dramatic but still I had never experienced anything like that.

I hurried out the door to meet Lewis for breakfast. I checked my phone to see if he had called and saw a text from Carlos. He wanted to meet up later tonight for dinner. My stomach churned and I ignored the text. I would respond later. I did want to go. Maybe I just needed to get it all out on the table.

I tried to push those thoughts from my brain heading down the street to a little cafe that Lewis was in. I eventually arrived and spotted him in a corner table away from people.

"Morning" he said standing up to give me a hug.

"Morning Lewis, how are you?" I said squeezing him tight before taking my seat.

"I'm good Saf how are you?"

"Ugh I'm okay" I said slumping in my chair.

"What's wrong?"

"Just had a rough sleep that's all"

"You wanna talk about what's really eating you?" Lewis said raising an eyebrow and taking a sip from his coffee.

"No it's okay" I chuckled.

The waitress brought out the iced chai I had ordered and I took a large sip. We ended up talking about other things even though the thought of chatting with Carlos invaded my mind.

Lewis was excited for today. He was taking me sight seeing and he couldn't wait for us to finish brekky. He even laid out an itinerary which was detailed to the hour. I was impressed. I eventually quickly ate my French toast and skulled the rest of my iced chai, Lewis eager for us to get a move on.

Of course we couldn't get through our morning of sightseeing without being interrupted by multitudes of fans. But Lewis was patient and signed things and took photos. He'd even hired a security guard to help out when the crowds were getting a bit much. I spent the majority of the morning looking at the sights Lewis took us to with his security guard Hayden.

Hayden was nice. A tall but big unit but not in an overly muscular chunky sort of way just very nicely toned and muscly. He had lovely green eyes that were very inviting and brown wavy hair that had been shoved under a backwards hat. He wore jeans and a t-shirt with a jumper over the top. Nothing too fancy.

Eventually Lewis was able to break away from the multitude of people when we sat down to lunch at a restaurant nearby to the river. Lewis apologised profusely but I promised him it was fine. After all he was in the spotlight considering he was an internationally recognised face. That is if you were into F1.

We ordered lunch and Lewis explained the second half of the itinerary for the day. I was exhausted and we hadn't really done much yet. I was most looking forward to the second half of the sight seeing. We were off to visit Windsor Castle and I was much looking forward to being able to take in the picturesque looking castle.

As we finished up lunch I realised that I still hadn't messaged Carlos back. I quickly sent through a text.

Carlos: dinner tonight? 7pm?

Me: sure sounds good. Where abouts?

He was quick to respond.

Carlos: I haven't decided but I guess it will be a surprise

Me: okay just let me know dress code.

It was just going to be dinner as friends. Just friends. That's all this was.

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