Chapter 48

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It was currently 10am and Carlos and I were getting ready to go to a wine and cheese tasting at Flame Hill Vineyard in Monteville. We didn't need to leaving until around 11am so I took my time getting ready. Carlos however had been for a morning run on one of the rainforest trails so had showered, eaten Brekky and was fully dressed for the day by the time I was awake.

He was now sat on the side of the bed leaning back on his hands watching me do my makeup in the bathroom occasionally scrolling through his phone but making sure to give me his undivided attention when I was speaking.

"So Charles has a new girlfriend" Carlos said looking up from his phone.

"Yeah he told me about her last week when I called. Said she's really nice" I smiled over at Carlos.

"You talk to Charles?"

"Yeah" I shrugged "and Lewis"

Carlos frowned.

"Calm down. We're just friends" I laughed.

He went back to scrolling through his phone.

"So have you thought anymore about the job transfer to London?"

"Uh not really"

"Are you going to do it?"

"Uh I don't know. My boss told me to let him know by the end of next week. Job is mine if I want it but I think I want to really think about it first"

"So you are thinking of going"

"I don't know Carlos it's a lot to think about. Picking up my life and putting it in another country where I'm not near family and friends. Starting all over again. It's a bit daunting to say the least" I said now becoming annoyed.

I know he was just eager for me to go to London but I still had doubts within myself.

"Well you wouldn't be alone. You'd have me and Lewis and Charles" he shrugged. His phone was now off and placed next to his legs and he was now leaning forward.

"Carlos it's not that simple. It's not just a decision I can make at the drop of a hat. I need to think about"

"Saf you know you can do it. I think you're just scared"

"Of course I am. It's moving to another country. By myself"

"You're not totally by yourself"

"I don't want to talk about this anymore" I said now looking at Carlos. You could practically see the upset look all over my face.

He didn't say anything but I could see his eyes analysing the expression on my face. He sighed before getting up from the bed and wandering toward the verandah.

I decided not to bother and continued with my make up.

Once I was done I styled my hair. What once was a pixie cut was now becoming a bit overgrown and not so cute anymore. You know when your hair is in that stage of not being cute and it's kind of just sitting in the middle of ugly. That's where I'm at. So I used some gel and slicked it all back. At least it would look somewhat decent now and I could get a haircut when we were back in Brisbane.

I wandered out of the bathroom and over to my suitcase unpacking one of my outfits. The weather today was supposed to beautifully sunny and hot so I opted for a light strappy sundress that would also hide my belly once it was full of wine and cheese.

I popped on some sneakers and perfume and grabbed my bag looking over at the time. We needed to leave in 10 minutes but Carlos wasn't anywhere to be seen. I raised an eyebrow and stepped down into the living area glancing outside to see him staring out into the rainforest.

Although he probably wasn't in the greatest mood he did look very good so I stole a couple pictures before dropping my bag on the couch and heading outside. I stood to the side resting my arm on his back looking out at the rainforest. As soon as my hand touched his back he looked straight down at me.

"I'm sorry for asking about your move to London I just would love you to be closer to me that's all" he said sympathetically.

I leant my head on his bicep "it's okay" I said smiling.

He looked down at his watch "we should get going".

"Yes otherwise we will be late" I said grabbing my sunnies out of my pocket and placing them on my head.

I went inside and grabbed my bag and the keys locking the door behind me. We then headed to the car to head off to the vineyard for the day.

_ _ _

"You know you were supposed to spit the wine out right" I said laughing at Carlos who was now very intoxicated.

"Yeah yeah yeah" he said pushing my arm.

"Let's get you ready for bed yeah?" I asked pushing him towards our cabin.

"You didn't tell me we would be doing two wine tours in one day amore" Carlos said slurring his words.

"It was on the itinerary" I said laughing "which you read".

"You got me" he said opening his arms and embracing me in a heavy hug.

"Get off" I said laughing pushing him through the front door of the cabin.

I pushed Carlos through and locked the door behind me. He kicked off his shoes and fell on to the couch. I dropped my bag on the table before heading over to the bathroom. I grabbed Carlos towel and wandered over to him. He stared at me as I stared down at him.

"Off to the shower please" I said holding his towel out in front of him.

He frowned "no" he said crossing his arms like a child.

"Go" I said getting stern.

He huffed snatching the towel before heading to the bathroom. He turned his head to look at me smirking "you wanna join me?"

I got awkward. I desperately wanted to but I chickened out and shook my head "I'm here if you drown" I laughed awkwardly.

Idiot. Why would you say that. Just tell the man you love him and you want him. He probably feels the same way. Sometimes I hate that I overthink.

I'll tell him tomorrow.


We'll see.

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