Chapter 5

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As we stood inches away from each others faces I was desperate for his lips to meet mine. He must have read my mind as he slowly planted his lips on mine.

Fireworks, literal fireworks is all I could feel. With his right hand under my chin his left hand moved to my back pushing me closer and closer to his body. I dropped the key to my room and immediately moved my hands to cup his cheeks. I parted my lips slightly allowing him further access and he immediately took that opportunity. My hands moved from his face, my left hand moving to his neck, my right hand to his hair, my fingers intertwining with his soft wavy hair.

Carlos was quick to move pushing me back into the hotel door so that his body was pressed against mine. As he deepened  the kiss he slowly pulled away and moved to my ear "you should be heading to bed, you've got an early start tomorrow".

"Yeah" I said breathleslly.

He chuckled and planted one final kiss on my lips.

My eyes fluttered open and I became flustered trying not to show that I was weak at the knees and ready for him to take me. I picked up my room key off the floor and looked up at him.

"I guess this is goodnight then"

"Good night Saffron" He said leaning in and planting a kiss on my cheek before turning and walking away.

I bit my lip and unlocked the door to my room. I immediately flopped on to the bed, euphoria completely taking over my body. God I'm not sure if I can keep up this for long. I wanted him so badly.

_ _ _

The next morning I woke up to my alarm pulling me out of my fantasy. I rolled over and turned it off. 7am. 3 notifications.

El: how was your date? did you get home safe? lobby 8am tomorrow morning.

Lottie: hope you got home safe girly, can't wait to hear about the date x

Carlos: dinner tonight, 7.30pm, see you in the lobby.

I dressed and grabbed my stuff before heading down to the lobby to meet up with El and Lottie. As I waited for the elevator all I could think about was Carlos. God he was so dreamy and so hot. As I got into the elevator I was startled to see him. A smile creeping onto his face.

"Morning Saf" He said softly.

"Morning" I replied nervously tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Good morning" his friend Charles said smiling at both of us.

The elevator ride was awkward and I wasn't sure if it were only me that could feel the sexual tension. As we made it to the lobby I stepped out first and scanned the room to see if I could see El or Lottie. As I was doing so Carlos grabbed my arm gently squeezing it. "I'll see you tonight" he said winking before turning away to catch up to Charles.

He really knew how to make a gal weak at the knees.

As I shook the dirty thoughts from my mind I found El and Lottie. I told them everything. Well. almost everything. We grabbed a coffee and headed for the office.

"El did you hear about Toddy last night?" Lottie asked.

"No I didn't what happened?" She asked inquisitively.

"He told Saf he was impressed with the presentation yesterday and wanted tips"

"Ew that is weird. He's usually not that nice to us when he's in the office"

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