Chapter 60

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Lewis POV

I was sitting enjoying my breakfast chatting away to Pierre and Lando about last night. What a crazy night and I was desperately trying to piece together what had happened. As I finished up I looked down the end of the table and noticed Charles in Max in a serious conversation. I raised an eyebrow and decided to head over to see if maybe they would tell me what's going on. I got up and took my orange juice with me and plonked myself down next to Carlos.

"Morning guys" I said trying to break the ice.

"Morning" the boys kind of half grumbled.

"How was your yoga this morning?" Charles asked trying to change the topic from what he and Max were conversing about.

"It was good. Very relaxing" I said smiling nodding my head "are you okay Charles? You look a little stressed" I said tilting my head to the side.

"Uh no I'm good" he said quickly slapping a smile on his face. "Still just hungover" he said smiling and chuckling.

"Okay" I said smiling "as long as you're okay" I said "so how's everyone feeling about going home?"

"Cannot wait" Charles said smiling "my girlfriend has a couple of art galleries she wants to go to. Is hoping she will find something good there" he said chuckling.

"I am also excited. I haven't seen my family in a while so it will be good to see my mum, sister, nieces and nephews" Max said putting his elbows on the table and leaning forward.

"What about your Carlos?" I asked almost breaking him out of the trance he was in.

"What?" He asked blinking a couple of times.

"I said are you looking forward to going home" I said chuckling.

"Oh yes. For sure" he said smiling "Saff says she has some really good news to share so I'm excited to find out what that will be. I am also excited because I'm thinking about introducing her to my family at the end of the year" he said and his eyes glassed over.

"Wow that's a big step man that's awesome" I said patting his shoulder.

"Yeah" he said smiling and nodding.

"Yeah that's really great Carlos" Charles said unenthusiastically.

I checked my watch and realised the time. If we didn't leave in the next 10 we were going to be late for our flight. I quickly finished up my juice before turning to Carlos "we have to go otherwise we are going to be late for our flight" I said tapping on my watch.

Carlos nodded and stood up from the table grabbing his jacket and throwing it over his body. Charles looked at him and raised an eyebrow "you're going with Lewis?" He asked.

Carlos nodded his head "yeah I'm going back to his to see Saffy".

"Right" Charles said "I hope she's happy to see you" he said frowning.

He didn't respond. But that was weird. Carlos wandered off towards the lobby with Lando and Pierre. I watched them wander off before turning to Charles and Max.

"What is going on with you two?" I whispered in a stressed tone raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing" Charles said and Max just shook his head throwing his hands up.

"We are just super tired and hungover. In need of a good rest" Max said leaning back in his chair.

"Hmmm" I said through pursed lips narrowing my eyes.

I shot one last look to Charles who looked like he was going to be sick before saying goodbye and heading off. Everyone's behaviour was really odd and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I tried to shake the weirdness from my mind and hurried out to the lobby where everyone was currently sitting in the back of a Range Rover. I quickly got in the back squishing Lando in the middle and we headed off to the airport.

About halfway, my phone started ringing and I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see who it was. My face lit up when I saw it was Saffy.

"Good morning Saffy" I said smiling looking out the window.

Her voice was groggy and I could tell she had only been up for about five minutes.

"Morning Lew. Are you on your way back?" She asked yawning.

"Yeah we will be back in maybe like 9 hours" I said.

"Okay good. That gives me enough time to clean up" she said chuckling.

"Throw a party did you?" I asked chuckling.

She laughed "no but it is a bit of a disaster zone in here and I need to take Roscoe on one of our hot girl walks".

"Send me a picture I'll put it on his Instagram" I said laughing.

"Okay okay" she said laughing "I'll let you go. I'll see you soon" she said before hanging up.

I shook my head still chuckling at the thought of her only just getting up and already being tired and stressed.

"Who was that?" Lando asked.

"Saffy" I said smiling "she said she needs plenty of time to clean up and take Roscoe on a hot girl walk" I said shaking my head.

Lando laughed.

"Have you spoken to Saffy at all today Carlos?" I asked looking at his side profile.

"Just texting her now" he said smiling "she sent me a picture of her and Roscoe and asked if I was jealous" he said giggling.

I smiled.

"You better watch out. You got another man after your woman" Lando said laughing.

"More like it seems like I need to get her a dog" Carlos laughed "she's been having so much fun with Roscoe".

"That's good" I said smiling looking back out the window.

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