Chapter 54

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"Okay everyone I would just like to say a few words if I could" I said clinking a fork against my wine glass and standing in front of everyone "I just wanted to thank everyone for welcoming me to London and I really appreciate you guys being here considering Lewis is the only one who actually lives in London with the rest of you guys all living in Monaco. But anyways really appreciate it and I can't wait to get to know you all better" I said raising my glass and awkwardly smiling. I awkwardly took my seat and sipped my wine as everyone clapped.

"I would like to make a toast as well" Carlos said standing up holding his wine glass "I would also like to thank everyone for being here on such short notice and especially after race week it is much appreciated. I would like to thank Lewis for hosting both tonight and also allowing Saf to stay with him whilst she gets on her feet, I really appreciate you. Lastly I would like to welcome my beautiful girlfriend to London and I can't wait to see you kill it with your career" he said smiling looking down.

I mouthed a thank you and winking tipping my wine glass to him before taking a sip. He took a seat and I rested my hand on his thigh. He smiled picking up his arm and resting it around my shoulders.

"I would like to make a toast" Lewis said smiling wider than I had ever seen "I promise it will be short" he said chuckling "welcome to London Saf. We are so happy to have you and I can't wait to see what the future brings you. I am glad we ran into each other at the hotel in Australia. I've found a good friend".

I blushed and hid my face behind my hand before taking another sip of my wine. I mouthed a thank you before putting a hand over my heart. I sat back and looked around the table at faces I knew and would hopefully become much closer to. As I stared around me, I finally felt happy and comfortable.

What kind of fantasy world had I stepped into? When I started this year, I was a lowly girl working in a law firm trying to achieve her dreams. I was living alone, I didn't have a boyfriend, I was completely independent and by myself. I was having sex with random dudes and getting drunk most weekends.

And now look at me. I have a boyfriend, a successful career, I'd move overseas to kick some goals, I had friends around me (sort of. I didn't really know a lot of them that in depth) that genuinely wanted to be there. This was surreal and I found myself on the occasion pinching myself to ensure that I wasn't dreaming. This was wild. Insane even. Something you'd read about in a fan fiction wink wink.

As everyone talked I couldn't help but take everything in around me. It really was like living in a dream and I don't know how I got so lucky honestly I-

"Saff?" Carlos said waving a hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I said fluttering my eyelashes.

"I said you have been awfully quiet. Are you okay?" He asked chuckling.

"Oh yes yes" I said chuckling raising a wine glass "just can't believe this is happening to little old me" I said smiling.

"I can't believe you've happened to me" Carlos said clinking his wine glass against mine.

I smiled humming "how did I get so lucky?"

"I should be asking you that" he said smiling leaning down and placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

Dinner eventually finished and everyone left in drips and drabs until it was just Carlos, Lewis and I. Carlos and I helped Lewis clean the kitchen and pack up from dinner.

"You know for a vegan cook you're not that bad" I said giggling and pushing Lewis's shoulder.

He raised his hand that was currently in gross dishwasher and flicked the water towards me "shut up" he said laughing.

I squealed hiding behind a tea towel.

We had a pretty good system set up here. Lewis was washing, I was drying and Carlos was trying his best to put the dishes away. On second thought it probably would have been better to have Carlos wash and Lewis put away considering this was his house and he knew where everything went.

"So when do you start up at the new place?" Lewis asked occasionally looking towards me.

"Uh not till next week. They've given me a week to sort myself out. I actually have a couple of rental inspections lined up over the next couple days so hopefully something good comes out of that" I said handing a plate to Carlos.

"You already have rentals lined up?" Carlos asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah Lewis hooked me up" I said smiling at Lewis who returned my smile with one "pretty neat huh?"

"Nice. Let me know I would be happy to come with you" Carlos said smiling.

"Yeah sure. Nothing on tomorrow but over the next two days I have a couple. I'll text them to you. Let me know what you think"

"You want my opinion?"

"Of course. I want both your guys opinion before I jump into anything major" I said chuckling.

Carlos smiled before putting the last of the dishes away. Once finished Lewis said goodnight and offered for Carlos to stay the night. Carlos declined feeling as though he had already imposed enough. He showed me to my room and Carlos kindly wheeled my bags in before resting himself on the edge of the bed.

"I'll see you tomorrow Saf" Lewis said smiling before giving me a hug and squeezing tight.

"Night Lew" I said squeezing his arm as he wandered off.

I turned back to Carlos who was smiling back at me.

"What's that smile for?" I asked wandering over to him standing between his legs.

"I'm just so happy you're here" he said resting his hands on the back of my thighs.

"You have no idea how much I missed you" I said resting my forehead against his.

"Oh I bet I know" he said forcing me forward, pressure on my thighs so hard my knees buckled and I fell into him. I wrapped my arms around his neck placing a soft kiss on his beautiful lips.

He parted them and allowed me in to which I desperately accepted. He used his hands to guide my legs to wrap around him before moving them to my bum where he squeezed tight. I moaned slightly to which he chuckled deeply. I had been deprived of his touch for so long I could practically burst at any moment.

I pulled back from him and he pouted "are you sure you can't stay the night?" I asked in between kisses up his neck and shoulders.

"I can't" he said whispering into my ear "I'm going golfing with Lando tomorrow"

I pulled back and sat in his lap looking down at my fingers.

"It's okay Saffy I'm gonna take you to dinner tomorrow to a nice Japanese place" he said lifting my chin up.

I hid a small smile from appearing on my face "really?"

"Yeah. I wanna treat mi chica" he said winking.

"Okay" I said giving him a tight hug.

"Plus you need to get some sleep" he said pushing himself up off the bed, me wrapped around him before throwing me on the bed.

I let out a squeal to which he laughed.

"I am very tired" I said yawning.

"Why don't we get you ready for bed" he said moving to my pants and unzipping them with a devilish grin on his face.

"I like the sounds of that" I said lifting myself up on to my elbows.

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