Chapter 51

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1 week until I leave.

I was packing up the rest of my stuff into boxes. They were currently in 2 piles. Stuff to go to Mum and Dads and stuff to take to London. I only wanted to take a couple boxes but it seems my stuff to take to London pile was adding up quite substantially in comparison to the stuff to go to mum and dad.

I pushed some of the stray hairs that had graced my face and stuck to the sweat on my forehead back. I wiped the sweat with my t-shirt and sat on the floor. I checked my watch. 7am. My family would be here any moment to help start loading up boxes to take back to their house.

I stared around my apartment that I'd been living in for the past 4 years and started to get teary thinking of how much I had grown up in this place. I let a couple of tears roll down my face.

"You okay Saffy?" Harry asked peeking his head through the door.

"Huh?" I asked sniffling wiping your nose "yeah of course" I said laughing.

"Okay are you sure?" Harry asked crouching down in front of me.

"Yeah" I smiled.

"Okay whatever you say" Harry said patting my back before standing up and walking away shaking his head.

I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes before standing up and looking around.

"You know darling you can't take everything to London" my mum said wandering into the apartment and looking around.

"I know I know. I just don't know what I want to leave behind" I said pouting at her.

"Come. We have a look and see" She said smiling warmly and grabbing my arm.

She took one look at the boxes and immediately shook her head. She started muttering under her breath assessing the labels on the boxes and shaking her head.

"Harry" she called over "move these over there" she said pointing at a couple of boxes. She stood back her arms crossed watching Harry move the boxes over.

You laughed and wandered back over to the bedroom checking to see if everything was packed away. You threw any loose items into a couple storage bags before piling them together. You'd go through this stuff when you got back to your parents house which is where you'd be residing for the next week until you needed to leave. You had broken the lease with your landlord and you needed to vacate the apartment by the end of the week.

"Hey Saff" Finn said walking over.

"Hey Finn. How are you?" I asked embracing him in a hug.

"I'm good I'm good. How are you doing?" He asked squeezing my arm.

"Yeah I'm okay I'm okay. Just a little overwhelmed" I said running a hand through my hair.

"Saffy it's gonna be okay" he said smiling grabbing a couple of loose bags.

I grabbed a couple and followed him out downstairs to the basement to my car.

"Did you hear mums making Harry and I stay the night next Sunday night before you go away?" He asked trying to see over the bags he was carrying.

"No" I said raising an eyebrow laughing "why's that?"

"One last family dinner before you go away apparently" he said chuckling.

"I'm only away for a year plus mum said you guys were all coming once I got settled" I said shaking my head.

"I know but it's mum" Finn said shrugging his shoulders.

"True" I said laughing.

We packed up my car and and headed back to the apartment. Mum had already condensed my stuff to London pile down to 5 boxes. I was impressed. Finn, Harry and my Dad were loading up the car whilst my mum barked orders at them telling them to be careful. I watched on before my phone started to ring.

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