Chapter 3

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I groaned and rolled over. The sound of my alarm filling filling what was once a nice and peaceful environment. I squinted rubbing an eye and opened the Lock Screen on my phone. 7am. Nice and bright and early. I yawned staring blankly at my phone for 5 minutes debating whether I should sleep in for a little longer knowing that if I really pushed it I could be showered and dressed with hair and makeup done in about 45 minutes.

I decided it was best to get up and I'd already wasted valuable sleeping time debating on whether or not I should sleep in extra. Gently pulling the covers off I pushed myself out of bed and took a moment to breath. A long breath was pushed out and I traipsed over to the shower.  As I got ready for the day I couldn't help but try and shake the butterflies and constant feeling of uneasiness.

It was the day of the big presentation. The presentation that may or may not prove to the firm and my boss that I am capable of running my own team successfully and that I should be in charge of a larger team. I grabbed my toothbrush and stood in front of the mirror.

I can do this. I am strong. I am successful. I am invincible. I. I am fucking woman. Thank you Helen Reddy I thought to myself before shoving the tooth brush in my mouth. I paced up and down the room thinking through my speech. I was going to be fine. I just needed to portray an air of confidence and it would be fine.

I mean I know I'm young and I haven't  got that much experience under my belt but I mean look at me. My team are doing great and we haven't fucked up yet. I shook my head. No no no. I needed to spin these into positives. Yes. Be positive.

I rinsed the toothpaste from my mouth and started on makeup. Concealer, blush, contour, brows, mascara. I straightened my short brown hair and pinned up any strays. I grabbed my outfit that I'd bought especially for this occasion. A beautiful dark emerald green suit and black heels. The colour contrasted nicely with my tan skin but the colour wasn't too outrageous that I would look a fool for dressing so outlandish. Yes. This was the suit that was going to bring me to success.

As I dressed I took a moment. Even if my boss was still wanting more, I can't be disappointed. I wouldn't let the room know my emotions. I need to be strong because feminine women with too many emotions weren't taken seriously. It was time to prove something.

After giving myself a pep talk and ensuring that I had packed all my things I checked my phone. 8.15am. I decided to head down to the lobby and grab a take away coffee whilst I waited for Lottie and El. I quickly did one last look in the mirror, spritzed some perfume. You got this babe.

I walked out of my room locking the door behind me and headed for the elevator down to the lobby. I headed for the cafe and ordered a coffee. Medium chai latte not too hot.

I stood to the side waiting for my coffee scrolling through my LinkedIn when I noticed Lottie approaching. I put my phone in my pocket and did an awkward wave.

"Hey" Lottie said grinning ear to ear.

"Hey" I said smiling at her. "I just ordered if you wanna grab a coffee before we go"

She left her laptop with me and went to the counter to order. As she did so El arrived.

"Oh hey" she said raising her eyebrows at me in a suggestive way before winking.

I laughed at her before Lottie came jogging over.

"I hope you haven't started. If you have you have to re start I must. Hear. Everything!" I laughed and shook my head at her.

"It was amazing. He was amazing. My god he's gorgeous" I said practically vomiting the words out.

We grabbed our coffees and I indulged in the details of our date. Both Lottie and El agreed I needed to work on my small talk. Thankfully it had worked in my favour this time and I definitely hadn't embarrassed myself as much as I thought.

Career Driven WomanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora