Chapter 39

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Carlos and I had decided that we wouldn't be telling anyone what was going on between us. The only people that knew were Lando and that's because Carlos didn't tell him where he was for half the weekend and Lottie. I gave Lottie strict instructions not to speak a word of this to anyone. We didn't want the media attention and we certainly didn't want expectations. Lando was also on strict instructions not to say anything.

We decided to keep it mellow and if people happened to see us together then so be it. That would be that but it didn't elude to anything. Carlos and I also decided that we would keep everything loose and easy breezy. We wouldn't be setting expectations of things to come and if for whatever reason things didn't work out between the two of us we both had to come to terms with that being that.

I was currently spending the day with Lewis at his house. He decided to keep it low key and was currently standing in his kitchen making me lunch. I was sitting on the other side of the bench, wine in hand watching him cut an array of vegetables. He was talking away and I couldn't help but smile at him as he spoke. It was nice.

Of course things between Lewis and I were completely platonic. Though I am not sure how much of that Carlos believed. But it didn't matter to me. If he couldn't accept that Lewis and I were friends then that was his problem.

"So then I turned to look over and he was like right there literally right there chasing me. I said to my engineer why the hell are we racing each other we need to be competing for places and points" Lewis said shaking his head laughing cutting away at an onion.

I smiled over at him chuckling "let it go Lewis it happened aaaaages ago".

He looked at me and frowned before turning away "yeah yeah yeah" he waved.

"Are you at least keen for Singapore?" I asked sipping the last of my wine before placing the empty glass on the bench.

"Yeah it will be good. The cars been really good lately so we will see what we can do"

"Hoping for a podium?"

"Always" he said giving me a cheeky toothy grin.

He sautéed some veg in a pan before playing the last of everything up. He'd really gone out of his way this afternoon. Crispy skin salmon, pan fried veg, a garden salad and char grilled asparagus.

"Oh my god. This is so good" I said tucking in "you really out did yourself Lew".

"It's not bad" he said teetering his hand.

I rolled my eyes enjoying the rest of my meal.

"Sooo any ladies in the picture?" I raising my eyebrows in a suggestive way.

"No" he laughed shaking his head.

"Why not? You're such a catch"

"I don't know just haven't met the right person yet I guess" he shrugged.

"Hmm" I said finishing my mouthful "interesting".

"Why's that interesting?"

"No reason" I said smiling and finishing off my lunch.

As Lewis and I finished up I helped clear the plates and clean up the kitchen. Once that was done and dusted we grabbed another bottle of wine and sat outside in the afternoon sun, exchanging stories, drinking till our hearts were content.

It was around 6pm when I realised I had practically spent all day there and I needed to be heading back. Carlos had already texted and asked when he could come over and see me. I let him know I was getting ready to leave and would be home in about an hour.

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