Chapter 26

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We grabbed a table down at one of the local bars by the Brisbane River and ordered drinks to the table via the QR code taking in the salty air and finally being able to relax after a long day at work.

"So how are things between you and Carlos?" El asked as she leaned her head on her hand.

I shook my head "I still don't want to talk to him if we are being honest"

"Fair enough I mean he was a piece of shit to you"

"Yeah but you know there's still a part of me that loves him"

"You can't be serious" El said looking at me like I was an idiot.

Our drinks arrived and I practically snatched mine off the table throwing half of it down my throat.

"Yes yes I know I know I am an idiot but its true. I just can't shake the feeling" I said playing with the rim of my wine glass.

"You know after all of that I still don't get why you love him" El asked looking puzzled.

"And you think I do?" I snorted before finishing off the rest of my wine and ordering another.

The conversation fell silent and we all exchanged glances with each other. The waiter interrupting us and bringing me another wine.

"Aye I know you're struggling here but go easy on the wine aye" Lottie said slowing me down as I tried to skull my second glass.

"Sorry" I said smiling "Just needed to take the edge off"

"Okay last thing we need is for you to be an alcoholic too. Maybe we should just uh" Lottie said trailing off dragging the wine glass towards her.

"No No I am fine" I said laughing and batting her hand away. 'Anyway enough about my sad pathetic love life what's going on with you guys?"

"Still single but also loving it. I have a date tomorrow night with a guy I've been seeing for a bit" El said finishing off her first glass and ordering another.

"Also still single and not seeing anyone at this late stage unfortunately. Honestly, I am thinking of joining a dating app just for fun to see what happens" Lottie shrugged.

"Do it" I said staring intently at her.

She laughed "okay creep I will". She whipped out her phone and immediately downloaded Tinder "not that I needed much convincing. A vibrator can only get you so far to be honest" She said staring off into the distance her face slowly becoming less enthusiastic.

I laughed slapping her on the arm as she went to work creating her profile.

We were all engaged in conversation when a young attractive man wandered over to our table.

"Hey you ladies mind if my friends and I join you?" He asked in a deep husky voice.

We exchanged glances before looking behind him to check out his friends. They were cute enough.

I shrugged "sure" I said pulling out the chair next to me.

"Great" He said smiling and turning to his friends waving them over.

He pulled up a chair next to me and sat down placing his beer on the table.

"I'm Dean, this is Jake and this is Lockie" He said introducing his friends one by one.

"Nice to meet you guys" Lottie said before taking a giant sip from her glass.

"Uh this is Lottie, El and I'm Saffron" I said trying not to make things awkward.

"Nice to meet you guys" Dean said nodding "what brings you guys to Jerry's?"

"We are celebrating" El said butting in, a smile plastered on her face.

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