Chapter 22: Knight's duty

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As we continue our venture in this vast wilderness we hear a growling roar of an unknown monsters at far distance, our knights that guard us become wary of the surrounding and unsheathed their weapon ready to fight any foe that will come to us at any moment.

"Milady please stand back, Sisters please protect the civilians and prepare to battle at any moment." Salvia's act like a leader and command everyone and the other knights without hesitation follow Salvia. She is really the captain.

As I go near Mila as she has a barrier that can protect me at any moment we can feel a vibration in the ground and its getting louder and louder and I can hear the crackling sound of the falling trees, I held Kim and Killy as they are the weakest of our team right now and Mila already cast the barrier that surrounds not only me but all the adult women and children.

The expectation is building up and the tension is rising we don't know the foe that will come to us and a brief moment the silhouette of the monster finally appear and in my disappointment its just the dinosaur like monster that the four knights have been defeated.

"Come on, you just ruin my expectation that I build up!" Matilda with a disappointment tone said and everyone relax but Hellebore and Salvia are not they still looking like they expecting something. "Let's deal with this fa-" Matilda about to brandish her weapon and jump toward when suddenly a huge mouth appeared gnawing the unfortunate monster with its sharp jagged teeth and large jaw, the dinosaur like monster helplessly struggle to get away from the mouth of this gigantic beast but sad to say it cannot even move an inch and the giant jaw toss the helpless monster upward then catch it and swallow it. Everyone got stupefied by the sudden situation and got stunned on what they witness, a large 3 meters tall monster just got eaten like its a small animal.

"Everyone in position!" Salvia with her booming loud voice snap everyone back in their senses but I'm so confused, she may be in the front now, only wearing a t-shirt simple dress and a knee length skirt, she never in her armor all this time and she doesnt even have a weapon, I thought she just so confident about herself and she just let other do the job of protecting everyone while she stick at my side wary of my surrounding.

I wanted retort to her but I feel like I have forgotten something that supposed to be important.

The gigantic monster finally show its true form, it had a scaly slithering body with a head of 5 meters in length and I can't see it's whole body but I can tell that this monster is long.

"Master, this is the master of this forest, Longinus the slithering behemoth, every few years it will emerge from the depths of this forest to feast, it's usually burrowed underground and will only appear when its hungry, the reason that Malvis cannot invade the Granam Kingdom is because of this monster." Mila explain to me while she is shaking, I look at everyone and it feels like a dread suddenly posses them like they already given up, the knights are ready to fight but I can feel their hesitations, I mean they might be undead and their body get boosted but with this monster in front of them they are like ants that about to be trampled.

"I'm amaze that the bandits are living in this forest for how long I can tell yet we manage to survive knowing that there is a monstrous beast like thia living within this forest." I said, Everyone is shaking but somehow I don't know why I'm so calm in this situation while the others are already giving up with their lives, Kim almost fainted as its stared towards at us.

While we are conversing the snake already move and started to attack us.
"Everyone runaway, Sisters let's hold the monster here until the civilians are in safe spot." Salvia order us and the knights agree with her.

"Salvia, are you sure you can hold that monster down?" Of course I'm worried my knight is sacrificing herself so I can be safe, that's what her duty I understand but I don't really want to lose her here when we just started our journey.

"Be at peace Milady, I will make sure you are safe." No I'm worried about you idiot Salvia, also you don't have an armor or a weapon how can you even fight?

But as her master I should trust her, and I should do my duty and respect her decisions. "Everyone, follow me and let the knights handle the monster." I said commanding the scared adults and children, Mila remove her barrier and we started to run away as far as we can be sure we are safe and when I look back I saw Salvia's back and suddenly a black smoke manifested around her and it crawling in her body then the black smoke are forming an armor in her body, a black metal armor adorn with a bluish green runes like surrounding the parts of her chest arms and legs, her mouth is covered by a metal mask and she have now a detached floating horn that are transparent in bluish green hue, her crimson red hair are burning in the tips with a bluish green flame. A large bastard sword also manifested in the air, it has veins that you can see that it's throbbing in every second, Salvia grab the hilt and the large sword merge in her hand.

Hellebore my loyal wolf will only follows my command and will ignore others yet he is now following the command of Salvia and she rides on to the wolf's back as if it's her stable, when she Ride the back of the wolf another armor manifested in the wolf this time, covering it's head to neck with an helmet and a metallic saddle so Salvia can comfortably ride on the wolf, she is now like a real knight riding on a horse.

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