Chapter 71: Crystal Dragon

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As we step inside the circular floor the Dino notice us and it let out a glass shattering roar.

We put our hands on the ear to lessen the loud roar, Canna and Leonila that are in front can't help but get stunned and fall down to floor as it's not also roared a loud ear piercing sound it also gives some intimidation by just glaring at us.

Kim who sees the two vanguard falls to the ground a blue light manifest in her hand and like a flow of water it coat on the two vanguard that are now in the ground and in an instance the two of them recover, I assume that she uses her skill as she can cure and purify abnormal status condition and intimidation who gives you fear and makes you nervous and a roar that makes you paralyzed is considered an abnormal status condition.

"Good job Kim." I said and she nods at me.

"Damn it, I almost leak... I mean you will regret this monster!" Canna who already recovered manage to stand up first and brandish her dagger tho she didn't run towards the towering behemoth that is standing with four meters of height. She point her dagger towards the monster and we can feel a chill in the air as the chill is accumulating in the air and the air solidified and become a block of ice freezing the moisture that within this room, she shoot the block of ice with the size of a full grown adult head or maybe bigger, the ice made a contact with the Dino and we can hear a clink like some glass have had shattered.

I'm amaze, so she can also do that? I don't know how she can throw the ice or make it levitate but the fact that she can truly control the temperature is amazing.

"Hmm, It look like blunt attack can damage the monsters here." I said as I examine the situation, I mean it's really obvious that pointy and  sharp weapon are useless to this hard shelled monster but for a blunt attack can make a significant damage... Tho the only one who can attack with blunt weapon now is Canna as Leonila spearhead is pointy and sharp, Sakura arrow is also sharp and Eri whip is, a whip. "Eri, help Canna attack in the front line."

I said to the quiet member, her eyes want to complain but she doesn't like to talk much when there are people so she cannot help but follow my direction.

The four meter tall Dino got enough after some volley of ice from Canna and it started to run towards us so I also manifest my skill and throw two dry wood that become a tree to intercept the upcoming Dino but it's claw like sword is so sharp that the vines become useless but it made the engage of the Dino slower so Eri also use her whip to whip at the Dino and I can see some chunk of Crystal shattered as the whip made a contact to it's crystalize body.

The tree that I summon not only have vines tho as the trunk suddenly flying towards the Dino hitting it's spiky spine and one of it's many spines got shattered.

The Dino exude some anger when we manage to chip away some crystal body of it so it's started to attack us relentlessly and it even shredded my tree, Eri who is about to whip again got hit by the hammered tail of the Dino and she got blown in the wall.

"Should I join Milady?" Salvia said to me while she are outside of the circle, actually I think it's better for Salvia to join us, also I worried on Eri tho I saw a shadow manifest to all her body when the hammer got contact with her.

"Sorry, for being a burden." Leonila said as she cannot really do anything, if she step forward she will only burden us, Sakura in other hand shoots her arrows towards the softest part of the monster, it's eye.

"Well, dungeon dwelling is unpredictable that's why people bring some variety on their party member so they can tackle any situation." Salvia said.

"It hurts." I see Eri getting up and I can see the shadows now are manifesting in her surrounding.

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