Chapter 80: The meeting of two

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After Kyrie enters the mansion her other classmate have been left at the party venue with some soldiers and citizen of this town are still having some conversation and drinking.

Sakura has been left out because she still havent recover on what she witness of the battle just outside of this town.

What she witness is not even can be called battle, and whenever she remember it, she feel the shiver that's maybe Kyrie sees her weakened state that she left her alone and when she sees Kyrie looking at her without emotion a thought of Kyrie leaving her pass on her mind and she can't feel the helplessness.

"Priestess." Suddenly she hears a voice beside her that snaps her back in reality and got alerted because noone supposed to know who she really is and when she look at the one who call her she widen her eyes.

"Sh-Shobu?" Sakura look straight at her and can't believe what she is looking at... "I thought..."

"Why are you here?" Shobu look at her to examine the reaction of her face, she seems disturb and sweats falls from her face. "You have your duty to protect the island... Why did you come here?" She said.

Sakura cannot help but look down not wanting to look at the woman in front of her.

"Priestess?" Shobu calls Sakura but she seems to not want to answer her. "Why are you with my Liege?" Sakura after hearing her look up straight to the woman again, she knows Shobu since she is a child and she is known to be a high ranking swordman in their island, a ruthless, emotionless and doesn't seems to connect with people, she disappeared ten years ago and now she is here in front of her. Swordman in their country doesn't associated themselves with a master and if they find a suitable master with their Loyalty they called them Liege and will protect them until the end of each life, Sakura wanted to ask who she mean by Liege but no matter how you fold the truth Shobu is talking about Kyrie as she is also wearing an armor the same as the Knight around it's just more lighter and easy to move.

Sakura is contemplating if she will tell the woman in front of her then suddenly Shobu take her hand, she seems perplex of the sudden action of this swordman but when she looks at Shobu's eyes she can feel a worried in her face that made Sakura doubt, this cold hearted swordman who can kill people without batting an eye is now giving her emotion like a worried mother... What happen? She gulp ready to tell the woman of why she is here.

"I runaway... They tried to sacrifice me..." With her words Shobu doesn't understand.

"Sacrifice?" Shobu doesn't know why they need sacrifice? Sacrifice for what? And what they even gonna achieve of sacrificing a priestess? The priestess job is to be assign to the most middle of the island to produce a large amount of Barrier to prevent any other malicious being or monsters to enter the island, and she knows that Sakura Miracle is she can produce a large Barrier that's how the island of Mona survived even to this day they will check all the children that is being born everyday in their Island and if a child that have a Miracle that can produce a barrier the Royalty will take the child forcibly and take them to the castle so they can train and grow their Miracle. Shobu's knows this well because she is the one who killed the parents of Sakura when she is a baby to forcibly take her away but the parents doesn't want to give up their child so she have no choice, Sakura doesn't know this secret.

"A deity appeared on the Island 5 years ago, the Royal Family is so thrilled that a God like existence wanted to dwell in our island but one thing that it want... It want sacrifice. They wanted to sacrifice me but I manage to get out before they give me to the deity with the help of other." She explain and Shobu can't believe of what she heard... A deity? She never heard anything like that and why it needs a sacrifice?

"What happen when I'm gone?" Shobu can't help but ask without really asking anyone.

"Why did you even leave? Left me alone..." Sakura said with a sad face, for Sakura Shobu is the only parents she got because she grow up with the hand of Shobu, She is not really her parent but she wants the warm of the woman and she is devastated when she found out that she leaves her.

"Sorry..." Shobu cannot help but apologize... Regret even, she just can't get over the guilt that she did to Sakura, she takes away the parents she deserve, she may be seen as cold and ruthless but deep inside she is being consumed by the regrets and guilt of killing some innocent lives, it hit the most when she take away Sakura to her parents, after taking care of Sakura for over 2 years she left for the reason that she wanted to get away of her past and also so she won't be tied down by the Royal family, she wanted to move to other nation and die there but not until she meet the princess, 'hey, let's help the people together to make them happy.' she said with a smile like a bright sun and she take the hand of the princess and give her a new purpose of her life.

"I don't need apology, I need to explanations." She said almost crying.

"I have done much worst thing that you don't know... I don't want you to know, that's why I left you... I regret of what I did to you." Shobu said with a vague meaning in her words.

"You killed my parents I know." Sakura told Shobu straight in the face that made Shobu look at her with wide eyes, she cannot believe what she heard, when? "I heard the maid in the castle." Sakura explain more.

"... You don't hate me with what I did?" Shobu ask with a new guilt budding in herself.

"I hate you... But more than that, for two years you take care of me as if you are my mother... You show me love and give everything to me... I know you are heartless and cold when it comes to other but when it comes to me... You seems like you sees me as precious... I know that I'm just a 2 years old and doesn't know what the world around me, the only thing I knew that you love me... That's why I hate you not because you killed my parents that I didn't even know... I hate you because I miss your warm." Sakura said now crying... Shobu after heard this can't help but hug the sobering girl in front of her.

"I'm so sorry..." Shobu cannot say any other words but apologize... She sees her as her daughter that's why she cannot handle the guilt that budding on her, no amount of physical thing that can be compare of the warm of her parents that's why she wanted to leave but she didn't expect that the girl that she taken away the warm of her parents has sees her as her parent.

"Please, don't leave me alone again." She said in a whispery voice.

"I..." Shobu cannot say anything... She doesn't know exactly what she wanted the only purpose of her now is for her to protect her new found master.

"Isn't it fine?" Suddenly a word can be heard in there side and both of them look at their left, there Kyrie smiling at them. "Take care of her Shobu, is not like everyday we are on war. reconcile with each other, bond with each other, give her what she deserve." Kyrie said and Salvia on her side give a nod to Shobu and Mila can't help but get moved by the words.

"Ky-kyrie you heard that? When?" Sakura become shy, I mean what she should do? She hide everything to Kyrie, well Kyrie hate her? Will they broke up? That thought almost break her heart.

"Hmm... When you two become emotional I guess? Well it seems like you have so many thing you need to tell me?" Kyrie said with a mischievous smile and Sakura who sees it become red.

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