Chapter 35: Dominance

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"Get them." The leader of the Merchant Raul command the two Big men to capture us, the two of them slowly approach me but then Salvia get in front of me blocking me from any danger, what a reliable Knight.

"No hurt feelings miss but this will be hurt." Said the Bald big man, he seems polite.

"How considerate for you to warn us first." I comment.

"Stop chatting and capture them." Raul with irritation in his voice, the people that are watching the arena are now focus on the dispute that happening besides them, then a great idea came to me.

"Wait, can I propose something more entertaining than this?" I grab their attention specially the leader but it looks like he had no intention to stop. "I came here to do business but the leader looks like a hot headed idiot that don't listen to a reason, I don't really want us to be in bad terms as I have something I need in you but if we keep going on like this, this two are not the only one who may get hurt here." I speak in a cold and calm tone, Im not annoy or anything Im just stating a fact.

"Big words coming from you, do you think the world is revolving around you when you look like a noble brat who doesnt even know the real world is, I will not fall from your bluff!" He said then he raise his hand and the two followed, the bald polite man raise his hand to punch Salvia, she then counter punch and the two fist meet with a hard impact to both of them but as everyone got surprise the bald man arm flesh got gauge out as the bone in his arm penetrated the skin out from his elbow and the bone stick out in open as the blood gush out splattering at the audience, the fingers of the bald man is twisting in a weird way being crush by the fist of Salvia.

The bald man is now stupefied as the pain still not register in his mind. Arm dangling in the side finally the pain got in him, he scream in an indescribable muttering and his mouth foamed as he writhe in pain. the other man with a mohawk saw his companion arm mad he grab his axe that in his side and swing it to Salvia, but she follow it with a side kick hitting the right arm of the man, with a devastating blow and because it's fast, faster than the eyes can comprehend the arm of the man fly in the air fly towards the steel gate of the arena and the axe hit one of the contestant inside breaking open his skull as the brain matter mix in blood is now spilling at the head of the poor man.

The mohawk guy falls to the ground grab his missing arm to stop the blood gushing out from his now amputated arm.

Everyone is speechless, two big guy is now in the ground writhing in pain the woman they thought a weak looking woman bring down the two strong looking men. Raul in other hand only did is look at me in disbelief.

"So, can I do business now?" Snap out of confusion everyone look at me, I smile back at them.

"You! Call the healer hurry!" Raul command and a few minutes a skimpy women and a man in all black came forward looks like they are healers as they tend the two men writhing in the ground on their own blood. "You! Come follow me." Raul call me and so I follow him of course with my reliable and lovely strong knight.

"So what business are we talking here?" Now inside of a room full of luxurious and lavish items, now I'm seating in a soft sofa with Salvia in my back wary in the surrounding, Raul is in his chair looking at the letter I give to him a recommendation letter from Sir Koolan. "If you show this to me in the first place, we didn't have to be in that situation." He talking about the scene earlier.

"Well, let's forget about that, what happen happens as long as you will know your place." I said with confident.

"Big words from a brat like you, who are you in the first place? I know most of the noble in this kingdom but I never saw or heard the likes of you." With irritation in his voice he eyed me observing any movement I make.

"I'm Kyrie, I'm not really a noble or anything I'm just a regular person happens to have a strong and reliable Knight." I answer him praising Salvia.

"Hmf... No regular person is a cold blooded as you despite being a brat." She snark at me.

"You! Watch your mouth, don't insult Milady!" Salvia got mad at what the man said. The man heightened his awareness and get ready to defend himself as he saw how strong Salvia. I calm down Salvia as we don't need to scare the poor guy as I still have a business with him.

"Forget about that, I came here to buy some slave, if possible I wanted some strong people that knows how to mine." I get straight to the point as our conversation gets longer and longer.

"Hmm, I see so you need a miner, do you have preference? Like human race only?" He said asking me.

"I'm okay with any race as long as they know what they are doing." I said and he nods at my respond.

"I see, how about dwarves? We have lots of stock of them, they are not really popular to our patrons." Hmmm... Dwarves huh, well in lots of fantasy they usually good at metallurgy so they really a good candidates for the miners that I wanted.

"Hmmm... How much?" I ask.

"Actually they are harder to acquire but they are not really popular so how about two hundred silver each?" One silver coins is equivalent to a one meal or one night stay at inns. Its actually a good deal if I say to myself but it depends on what they are situation tho, what if they are sick?

"Can I see them first? I want to make sure that they are healthy before I decide." I demand.

"Alright, I got it, you are so demanding and also conscious." He said and stand up and signal us to follow him.

"You cant make sure on how people think, I want to make sure that all is according to my favor, that how my life works." I stated and he only snark at me so we follow him in another wide room full of cages and as I enter I can feel death inside the room.

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