Chapter 10: Kingdom of Lleonis 3

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The next day in the company was not hard as well. I got several simple tasks to process and left it when was the right time.

After coming home and turning the game on, I was greeted by the familiar person.

(Hello again. Be my guest also for this day.)"

It was no one else than the demon lord. I stayed there with him for about 1 hour, but since it then became boring I said goodbyes and left.

The next day after work I returned there again, but the demon lord wasn't there alone.


A girl was fighting him. It was a fierce battle and in the end the demon lord lost. But instead of finishing him, the girl turned in my direction and said...

(Who is there?)"

„(My name is Kathy.)"

(How you got here? Mmm... you look human. Are you a hostage of this scum!?)"

„(Mmm... not exactly...)"

(What do you mean?)"

„(We have a deal... when someone else comes here to keep him company, I can leave.)"

(Ahh... so you are lonely... poor demon lord? And so you hold her here to comfort yourself?)"

(No... I...)"

Demon lord tried to reply, but she stopped him.


(You made such a deal knowing, that no one else can come here, right? But you forgot about me... the hero! Rot here alone, I take the girl back with me.)"

„(But who will keep him company here?)"

I forgot that it is just a game and was suddenly sorry for lonely demon lord.

(He can summon one or more goblins to keep him company if he is so lonely. Let's go.)"


I just waved to the demon lord and the hero activated a spell and we disappeared.

I am finally in my correct starting location. The city looks good, but still very empty.

(So what are your plans now?)"

„(I don't know. Maybe I will go shopping. I need to buy some new clothes.)"

(I can go with you.)"

„(No... I meant in real life. I gonna quit now and go to the nearest clothes shop.)"

(Ah, I see... I thought that we can spend some time together here. No problem... have a good shopping.)"

„(Thanks and bye.)"

I left the game and set out to the nearest shop.

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