Chapter 3: Iron forged in fire

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Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel Cinematic Universe or anything else you may recognize

Thank you to everyone who has favorited, followed or reviewed this fic so far.

Also, FUCK YOU EMMYS! You're telling me the epic, badass prison fight sequence from Daredevil Season 3 isn't eligible for a nomination because it's too long? Seriously?! That is the most ridiculous and pathetic reason I've ever heard!

The amount of effort these Emmys and Oscars put into not recognizing superhero stuff, even if they are more than just superhero stuff and works of art (Logan, all 3 seasons of Daredevil, Season 1 of Jessica Jones, Season 1 of The Punisher, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Avengers, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, Iron Man, Arrow Seasons 1, 2 and 5, Watchmen) is astonishing! And all the elitists who classify this entire genre as 'bad' or 'childish' are a bunch of ignorant traditionalists who can't open their eyes.

No genre is totally bad or totally good. All genres have some great movies and some horrible movies, including the superhero genre. And genres like superhero, action and horror all deserve more recognition in such awards.

I still hope superhero stuff gets the recognition it deserves in the near future.

Chaos Sorcerer: Thank you for the review. Glad you're enjoying. Glad you loved the dialogue and found everyone in character. Yup on RDJ. I knew "Trish Screaming" would get everyone. Yeah, they couldn't. Agreed on Young Thor and Loki. I think I made it pretty clear it was Bucky/Natasha in the previous chapter. I got Wolverine saying "git" from another fanfiction. I haven't seen WHiH Newsfront but I know about it, including Scott and Daren appearing. Enjoy.

Jason Hunter: Thank you for the review. Glad you enjoyed. I will bring that up.

Chapter 3- Iron is forged in fire

"You sure you can watch this, Mr. Stark?" Benjamin asked him.

"Yeah." Tony said with a nod and a confident smile, "I can."

Tony woke up to realize a tube attached to his nose with a bandage. He carefully removed it before ripping out the bandage.

"Ew!" Peter groaned at the sight.

"You had to remove it." Fury said as Tony shrugged.

Tony turned to see a cup and tried to reach it, only to knock it to the floor accidentally. He heard a cough and looked up to see an elderly man shaving in front of a small mirror, humming to himself. Tony tried to move but an electrical cord attached to his chest prevented him, as the man advised him not to do it.

"Who is that?" Scott asked.

"Name's Yinsen." Tony said with a sad sigh.

Wanda and Xavier could sense some of Tony's pain on seeing Yinsen. While they did not always read minds actively, the thoughts and feelings of people around them could still be heard by them in their heads as a very light background hum. This was the origin of Iron Man, written in blood and fire.

Tony turned to see he was hooked to a car battery of all things! He ripped off some of his bandages to see the other end of the cord was attached to a round rusty metal disc just larger than a man's palm, sitting right over his heart, held in place with five large screws.

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