Chapter 63: Heist

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So now you will be doing your first mission?" Peter asked.

"Yup." Scott said.

A miniature Scott was in a plane with the ants as Pym said the final phase of his training was a stealth incursion mission. Hank is shown showing Scott some blueprints of a facility and a signal decoy he had made in his SHIELD days, saying he has to retrieve it. Hope said they needed to counteract the transmission blockers. Hank said it was collecting dust in one of Howard's old storage facilities and should be a piece of cake.

"Except it wasn't." Sam smirked.

"We weren't expecting you." Hope said.

"But I managed to get through you." Scott said and everyone chuckled.

"That was a good audition." Sam shrugged, trying to save face.

When they were over the target area, Scott sent away squadrons of ants.

"Never thought I would see an ant-squadron." Steve said as everyone chuckled.

"You see something new every day." Bucky said.

Scott then sat on Ant-thony and commented how this was a big leap from sugar cubes. Hank told him to stay calm as they all flew down.

"Good luck." Natasha said.

"Thanks." Scott said.

Scott then noticed something and said this wasn't just some old warehouse. The clouds parted to reveal the New Avengers Facility, next to which the warehouse was located.

"Sucks for you lot. The New Avengers Facility is right next to the warehouse." Tony said.

"But he managed to do it." Logan smirked.

"Yeah I did." Scott said.

Hank and Hope told Scott to abort but he said nobody was home. Hank said he'd lose the suit while Hope said he'd lose his life.

"We do not kill intruders just like that." Vision said, "We hold them for questioning."

"Thanks for the tip." Hope shrugged.

Scott and the ants stopped at the top of the facility as Hope said somebody was home.

"That would be the Falcon." Cassie said.

"I'm home." Sam said.

Sam Wilson flew down and stopped on the roof.

"And I'm here." Sam said.

"This is gonna be embarrassing, right?" Benjamin asked.

"Very." Sam said.

Sam said he had a sensor trip but wasn't seeing anything. He then looked around with the microscopic vision of his combat goggles. Scott said Sam couldn't see him but his telescopic vision locked in on him and he said he could see him. Scott lamely said Sam could see him.

Everyone chuckled as Wanda said, "Bummer."

"Yeah." Scott said.

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