Chapter 70: Siberia

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Reaching the final stretch here." Benjamin said.

"Just get it over with." Tony sighed, knowing what was coming.

The scene changed to Siberia. Steve landed the Quinjet next to Zemo's Snowplow. Bucky grabbed a rifle as Steve lowered the ramp.

"You took my gun." Natasha said as Bucky smirked.

"Other couples exchange clothes. You two exchange weapons." Hill said and everyone laughed while the two shook their heads.

Steve and Bucky reminisced about having to ride home from Rockaway Beach in a freezer truck because Bucky had blown his money trying to win a bear for a redhead. Bucky struggled to recall her name and Steve reminds him it was Dolores, who Bucky had called 'Dot'.

Steve and Bucky smiled sadly.

Bucky mused she's probably a hundred and Steve jokingly pointed out so are they as he clasped Bucky on the shoulder.

For a moment, the tension broke, everyone smiling at the banter between the two. Thor and Loki were reminded of themselves.

Steve and Bucky exited the Quinjet and headed towards the door to the base, Steve pointing out that Zemo had already been there for a few hours. Bucky grimly noted this was enough time to activate the other Winter Soldiers.

"Did he?" Peter asked.

"Just watch, kid." Logan said.

Steve and Bucky entered the base and rode the elevator. Once it stopped, Steve lifted the door up and he and Bucky began to make their way through the base, looking for any sign of Zemo or the Soldiers. Suddenly, they heard a loud thud. Steve whirled around as a door starts creaking, warning Bucky to be ready. He began making his way towards the door as it opened, revealing Tony.

"Oh! It's you!" Scott said.

"Yeah it's me." Tony sighed.

Upon seeing Steve, Tony retracted his helmet as he began walking towards Steve, jokingly saying Steve looked defensive. Steve wearily said it's been a long day, not lowering his guard.

"You didn't lower your guard, that's smart." Rhodey said as Tony winced.

"I learned from the best." Steve joked and Natasha smirked.

"I remember when you were a sweet, naïve superhero who trusted everyone. Now look at you. I'm so proud." Natasha said in a fake motherly voice and Steve rolled his eyes.

"You know what Romanoff!" Steve said mock threateningly as everyone chuckled at their antics.

Tony told Bucky to be at ease because he's not after him, causing Steve to demand to know why that is. Tony admitted Steve's story might not be so crazy, which Steve simply acknowledged with 'maybe not'.

"Well, at least the tension is gone for now." Sam said.

Tony said Ross didn't know he's there, which Tony would like to keep secret, jokingly saying he'd have to arrest himself. Sounded like a lot of paperwork, Steve noted dryly. Steve lowered his shield as both of them acknowledged it was good to see each other.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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