Chapter 18: Banishment

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The next day, all of them woke up and after cleaning themselves up and wearing some new clothes that had been put in their wardrobes, they had their breakfast. A pretty big breakfast as Benjamin had said they needed to get through the other recordings fast.

So the breakfast was big enough for the stomach to not bother anyone during lunch.

"Where's the Professor?" Tony asked.

"And future me?" Bruce asked.

"The Professor needs to run the school." Logan told them.

"And Bruce has gone back to his lab for some experiments." Benjamin said and they all nodded.

"So it is me we're watching today?" Thor asked.

"Yes." Odinson told him.

"Can't wait." Loki said dryly.

"This time I'm watching too." Storm told them.

"Us too." Daisy said as she gestured to herself and Bobbi.

"So we can finally catch up huh." Natasha smirked.

"Yeah." Bobbi said.

"Good to know." Clint said.

"So breakfast done?" Steve asked everyone.

"Yes Captain." Peter said.

"I think we should start viewing now Cap." Scott said.

"Still calling him Cap." Hope said in amusement as the two smiled at each other.

"Well, we do need to get it all over with." Fury said and they all got up and moved to the viewing room. Benjamin turned the TV on as everyone took their places. The same as before really with Storm, Bobbi and Daisy sitting with Benjamin, Odinson and Logan.

"So now we get to witness the origins of the God of Thunder." Hill said.

"Yeah. But they aren't pretty." Thor said.

In the middle of a desert in Puente Antiguo, New Mexico stood a van. Inside the van were Erik Selvig, Darcy Lewis and Jane Foster, looking at their devices and calibrating them as Eric and Jane climbed out of the van and looked in the sky but nothing happened. Darcy asked to turn on the radio but Jane refused.

"Jane." Thor smiled.

"You two broke up though, right?" Loki asked.

"Yeah we did." Thor said.

"I think it was for the best." Odinson said. While they had been good for a time, their relationship wasn't going to work out forever.

Erik tried to dissuade Jane but she was sure there was some connection between the atmospheric disturbances and her research.

"She is very determined. I can see why you liked her." Loki told Thor who nodded.

That was when Darcy noticed something and directed Erik and Jane's attention to it. A wormhole was opening up in the sky, shocking Erik. Jane told Darcy to drive as they moved towards the wormhole and Jane started recording the event happily when it hit the ground in the form of a storm. Darcy tried to drive away but Jane snatched the wheel from her.

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