Chapter 56: ultron

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After everyone was done with snacks and washroom refreshments, they all sat back in their original places.

"Wanda, I'd like you to meet someone." Benjamin told her.

"Who?" She asked.

And then walked in a woman wearing a jacket just like hers with the same hair, though she appeared older and a bit wiser.

"You're me?" Wanda asked her as everyone looked at her with dropped jaws.

With a sigh, she said, "Yes. I'm you."

She looks at Clint for a few seconds with emotion in her eyes before turning to Wanda again as Benjamin said, "I believe you might need to hear what she thinks about us."

"Uhh….okay." Wanda said.

"What should we call you?" Tony asked.

"Scarlet Witch." She said as she took her seat with Benjamin, Logan and Odinson.

"That's an awesome name." Peter said.

"Thanks." She told him.

"Maybe you should take that up, kid." Clint said to Wanda and she simply nodded.

"Well, here goes." Logan said and turned the recording on.

Loki's Scepter was shown as a voice in the background said that everyone had to report to their stations immediately and this wasn't a drill because they were under attack. Wanda and Pietro were shown, holding hands.

Wanda had a lump in her throat as she saw her brother moving for the first time in years. It was just a screen but he was there.

Scarlet Witch was far better at controlling her emotions so while she felt pangs of sadness, she didn't show it.

Outside, Natasha kicked a Hydra thug away from his truck and drove it as Clint fired his arrows around from the backseat. One of the thugs jumped at him from behind but Clint stabbed him with a taser arrow while Tony flew above in his suit, firing at thugs. One of them tried to fire at them from behind with a tank but Thor hit him with Mjolnir, throwing him off and with a roar, flew up to another platform and deflecting an attack, threw Mjolnir away while punching and kicking 3 soldiers away. He kicked away two who flew at him before grabbing the third and throwing him down. He then picked up a piece of wood and knocked two more out while Steve rode on his bike and grabbing a thug, dragged him on the ground, knocking him out. He then threw his shield and it ricocheted off the trees, hitting some more thugs and returning to his hands as he drove the bike into some thugs. One tank was firing around when Thor smashed it with Mjolnir and Hulk lifted it up and threw it at some of them before throwing some of them around. And then, Natasha and Clint leapt from the truck, guns and bow at the ready, while Steve charged with his bike, Thor and Tony flew, the latter having raised Mjolnir, and Hulk simply rushed in with a roar.

Everyone clapped and cheered at the scene as Steve said, "And the Avengers have assembled again."

"To kick ass and take names." Tony said and laughs followed.

"Because we needed them to." Fury said.

One soldier fired at Thor but he was unaffected and killed him while Hulk also killed one and Tony flew around, throwing them or firing at them and Steve rode his bike. Tony flew towards the castle, avoiding some shots but a barrier made him back off and he said, "Shit!" Steve said, "Language!"

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