Chapter 45: Break IV

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The viewers from the past and the future sat in the dining room, eating their food as Peter said, "Okay, that was the best one so far!"

Tony started, "Come on ki-"

"Don't kid yourself." Scott said, "That was the best one."

"I know right!" Hope said.

"I'm not forgetting this anytime soon." Tony muttered as he took a bite of his bread while everyone chuckled.

"He will get back at you." Pepper joked.

Thor asked, "And what about me?"

"Eh, you got the most boring one." Jessica said and everyone laughed as both Tony and Thor pouted while Steve simply smiled and continued to eat, not paying it much attention.

"Well, what do you guys think now?" Benjamin asked.

"Well", Natasha turned to Fury and Hill, "You know what? We're not done."

"Am I hearing that right, Agent Romanoff?" Fury asked.

"Yes." Natasha said, "I think it is clear why you have trust issues. But please- do not keep secrets from us again."

She then raised her hand and Fury said, "All right. I won't be keeping secrets to myself and Hill from now on."

With that, he shook her hand. They were partners again. She shook hands with Hill too as Steve said, "I think this works better."

"Yup." Clint said.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Tony said as he continued to eat.

And then suddenly, a song started playing in the background which was DMX's 'X Gon' give it to ya'.

"Who's playing that?" Tony asked.

"Oh boy!" Logan groaned.

"What a timing!" Matt said.

"Who is it, guys?" Bucky asked.

"Don't ask." Frank said.

And then a man in a red and black suit with two katanas on his back entered, dancing hysterically to the music.

"Uhhhh, nobody is in your way." Luke said regarding the lyrics as he continued shaking his head around at the music and danced.

It went around for a minute.

And then he bowed down, acting as if he had gotten a standing ovation, "Hello, ladies and gentlemen from the past. I had no idea you lot were already here. The Disney-Fox merger is working wonders."

"What?" Aunt May asked.

"Ignore him." Logan said.

"Who are you?" Thor asked him.

"Wade Wilson." Odinson told him.

"AKA Deadpool." Wade announced with raised hands.

"Why? Your dead body was found in a pool?" Loki asked dryly.

"No! It was…not found at all." Wade said, "Because I am alive!"

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