Chapter 65: Break V

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Everyone reached the dining hall to eat their food. Four was the highest number of 'movies' they had watched any day.

This time, they saw two young women eating there too with them.

"Who're you?" Natasha asked the shorter woman who had a boy-cut.

She looked up with fake disappointment and asked, "You don't recognize me, Auntie Nat?"

Everyone's eyes widened and their jaws dropped as Clint actually stood up from his chair so fast that it actually fell down.

"Lila?" He asked as Lila nodded with a smile. Clint walked over to her as she stood up and then father and daughter hugged each other tightly.

Natasha also walked up to them and the two shared a hug.

"You're so big." Clint said with a smile, "But then again, you always grew really fast."

"Yeah. Remember when I aged like 7 years in 3?" Lila joked and everyone chuckled.

"So you're an Avenger?" Natasha asked and she nodded.

"Yes, Auntie Nat." Lila said.

"She is the new Hawkeye." Cassie said as they all looked between her and Clint.

"Honored to meet you, Hawkeye." Clint said as he held out his hand.

"The honor is mine, Hawkeye." Lila said as they both shook hands and everyone smiled.

"Family reunions. Always nice." Thor said with a sense of longing.

"I can understand." Loki told him.

"This is family now." Odinson said and they both nodded.

Tony got up from his chair and walked to Clint and Lila.

"Uhhh…." He trailed off, "I just wanted to…..uhhh….."

"Apologize." Pepper popped up and he nodded.

"Right! Apologize!" Tony said as he turned to Lila, "I wanted to apologize for telling Ross about you, your brothers and your mom."

Lila sighed and said, "It's been a long time since then. We have forgiven you now."

"I will forgive you, Tony." Clint said, "If you promise to nail Ross to a cross when we get back."

"Oh I will, with pleasure." Tony said.

"All right." Clint said as he held out his hand and Tony shook it.

"Call me up too when you're doing whatever you're doing to Ross." Bruce said and they all chuckled.

"So Thanos, Kang, Doom, the real Mandarin and Ross." Steve summed up, "Any other threat you know about and we don't?"

"Well, Strange takes care of any magical threats." Scarlet Witch said, "So you don't need to interfere with that."

"And because you're taking care of Ross, you will end up taking care of Zemo as well." Benjamin said, confusing them all.

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