Chapter 62:Training

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So how did you get out of that one?" Peter asked.

"I didn't." Scott said.

"He was let out." Cassie said.

Scott was in his cell as Jim said he almost had them convinced that he was gonna change his ways and now he was gonna break Maggie's and Cassie's hearts. Another cop arrived and told him he had a lawyer as his visitor.

"Which lawyer? Matt Murdock?" Tony asked.

"No. Not a lawyer actually." Hope said.

Scott was led out to meet Hank Pym, who told him he had said he'd stay in touch, and commented how Scott preferred the inside of a cell. Scott realized who he was as he apologized for stealing the suit while ants covered the camera.

"That's a nice way to cover a camera." Pepper said.

"The technology sure is revolutionary." Tony said.

Hank commented how Maggie was right about Scott as the moment things got hard, he turned back to crime which is why she was trying to keep him away from Cassie.

"He turned back to crime for me." Cassie muttered.

Hank said Scott could either spend the rest of his life in prison or go back to his cell and await further instructions. Scott said he didn't understand and Hank said he didn't expect him to as none of them had many options and he had let Scott steal his suit. A flashback showed him being responsible for Emily and then eventually Luis being made aware of the safe.

"He planned it out really well." Steve said.

"That's my dad for you." Hope said.

Hank said, "Second chances don't come around all that much. So, next time you think you might see one, I suggest you take a real close look at it." He got up and walked out as the ants crawled away, uncovering the camera.

"I wonder what the cops were thinking of those ants." Sam said.

Cassie was lying on her bed, listening to the bunny again as Maggie asked if she wanted a different toy but she said she loved this one. Maggie told her to get some sleep and kissed her forehead. Cassie then asked if daddy was a bad man because she had heard some grownups say he was bad. Maggie said daddy just got confused sometimes and she nodded.

"More like desperate." Scott said.

"Must be Paxton who told her." Fury said.

"He is behaving like a jerk right now." Bruce said.

"He thought I was still a crook so he wanted to keep his family safe." Scott said, "Now that he knows I'm not, him and I are actually friends."

"Yeah. It's pretty funny actually." Cassie said and everyone chuckled.

Scott was in his cell when a flying ant stopped outside and he saw as some of the ants carried the miniature suit to him. They pressed it and it grew to normal size. A cop started walking inside as the ants formed numbers to count down.

"These ants are being used very creatively." Steve said.

"That's why SHIELD wanted Pym." Hill said.

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