Chapter 21: Battle Of Brothers

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Now we're going to see a battle between you two?" T'Challa asked Thor and Loki.

"Yes." Thor said, "Unfortunately."

"I am not very proud of my actions." Loki sighed.

"I know." Odinson said.

Sif, Fandrall, Volstagg, Hogun, Erik and Darcy reached the Bifrost site in Erik's van while Thor flew down there with Jane, asking Heimdall to open it. The frozen Heimdall roared as the ice cracked more.

"Good thing you underestimated the guy." Tony said dryly.

"Yeah, saved the Nine Realms a lot of trouble." Storm said.

"Many things happen for reason, I guess." Logan said.

Thor continued calling out to him as the others walked closer when Heimdall broke free and swiftly dispatched the two Giants before twisting Hofund, opening the Bifrost.

Everyone sighed in relief.

"Thank God for Heimdall." Steve said.

"Good thing he recovered when he did." Natasha agreed.

Thor and the others watched as the Bifrost came down. Thor told Jane he was going back to Asgard for now but he will return to her. Kissing her hand, he asked, "Deal?" She pulled him into a deep passionate kiss.

Everyone clapped and cheered at the scene.

"Finally!" Scott laughed.

"Looks like you kids love shipping." Pepper said and everyone chuckled.

"Yeah, Scott's a kid at heart." Hope said and he gave her a mock glare, "I dig it."

Everyone laughed more.

"Well, glad I managed to entertain." Thor said with a laugh.

"You still do." Benjamin said as Odinson chuckled.

The two pulled away and Jane said, "Deal." Thor, Sif, Fandrall, Volstagg and Hogun then walked into the Bifrost and reached Asgard, where Thor told his friends to get Heimdall to the healing room and leave Loki to him. The door to Odin's bedchambers froze and broke down as a Frost Giant walked inside. Frigga dispatched him effortlessly but Laufey had been behind the Giant, waiting to strike at the right moment. Before Frigga could even react, he knocked her down.

"Bastard." Thor snarled.

"Oh don't worry. I took care of him." Loki sighed, "Though I'm not very proud of what I did during this time."

"I know." Odinson sighed.

"So what is your plan exactly?" Pepper asked.

"Keep watching." Bobbi said.

As Thor flew towards the palace, Laufey opened Odin's eye and said how he had heard Odin could sense everything transpiring around him. "I hope it's true." Laufey said as he brandished an ice dagger, "So that you may know, your death came at the hand….of Laufey." Just before he could bring it down, a blast hit him and he was sent flying off. It was Loki. "And your death came by the son of Odin." Loki said as Laufey watched in horror and betrayal before he fired another blast from Gungnir, disintegrating Laufey.

"Once again proving yourself to be a two-faced traitor huh." Fury said dryly.

"No wonder you played us all against us." Hill said.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Loki said dryly.

"So you two are going to fight now?" Peter asked.

"Yes they are." Daisy said before they could reply, "And it won't be pretty."

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