Chapter 59: vision

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You need to stop Ultron before he transfers himself to his new body." Scott said.

"We will." Steve said.

Cho told Ultron cellular cohesion will take few hours but they could initiate the consciousness stream now. Wanda said she could read him and he was dreaming. Cho said it was Ultron's base consciousness. Ultron asked how soon would it be finished and then said he wasn't being pushy.

"You sound pretty pushy to me." Tony said.

Wanda touched the body of the droid and suddenly saw a meteor crashing on Earth and destroying it. She gasped loudly and backed off, snapping back into sanity as Pietro held her face in concern.

"That is what brought me back to my senses." Scarlet Witch said, "Finding out what Ultron wanted."

"I only wanted to destroy you all at the time due to wrong beliefs. Not the innocents." Wanda said.

"I believe you saw that because at the moment, his brain and mine were connected." Vision said.

"How could you?" Wanda asked Ultron. Ultron feigned confusion and she said he had told them he'd destroy the Avengers and make a better world. He said he would. She asked when everyone would be dead. Ultron said the human race would have every opportunity to improve. Pietro asked what if they didn't and he told them to ask Noah.

Everyone was chilled to the bone again as Steve said, "He took his lunacy to a new level."

"No kidding." Peter agreed.

Wanda called him a madman and he said there were a dozen extinction level events before even the dinosaurs got theirs. "When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it. And, believe me, he's winding up." Ultron said.

"How would he know I wonder?" Pepper muttered.

The ones from the future were chilled as Ultron had in a way predicted the future. Thanos had played God and he had pretty much become one when he had got the Infinity Gauntlet.

Ultron said they had to evolve and there was no room for the weak. Wanda asked who decided who was weak and Ultron said life always decided. As he said that, Wanda blew her mist on Cho, freeing her from the Mind Stone's control.

"At least she is free now." Clint sighed in relief.

Ultron detected a Quinjet coming and said they needed to move. Cho said that wouldn't be a problem and paused the upload. Ultron angrily fired a concussive blast at her, knocking her out.

Everyone flinched as Aunt May said, "Was she all right?"

"She was just wounded. She recovered." Natasha told her and everyone sighed in relief.

Pietro grabbed Wanda and ran off as Ultron called out to them.

"We are not coming back to you ever." Wanda sneered.

"No more than he deserves." Benjamin said.

Ultron's sentries killed the rest of the staff and he said they would understand when they see as he took out the wire, losing the connection. His sentries then started taking the Cradle away as Steve arrived with the Quinjet hovering above him and told them to stay close.

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