Chapter 12: you want my property you can't have it

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So this is more about me being me?" Tony asked.

"Yes. Though your behavior isn't the best in this one." Benjamin said and he paled a bit.

"I'm pretty sure I would have seen that." Pepper sighed.

"Oh yes you have seen him at his worst and his best." Logan said.

The recording was started.

Tony's voice could be heard speaking about the speculation of his involvement in the freeway and on the rooftop when Christine Everhart interrupted him and asked if he expected them to believe the story of a bodyguard in a suit that conveniently appeared.

"So this starts where the previous one about him left off." Rhodes said.

"These recordings really do start at interesting places." Tony said.

"We just make them in a way that they don't get boring and are easy to understand." Professor Hulk said.

"You sure do. I feel like we're watching movies." Peter said.

"Yes. An entire franchise starring us." Sam said.

"How much do you think movies about us would gross?" Natasha asked.

"A lot." Tony said, "I mean- me, Cap, Thor and you alone will draw a lot of audience."

"Why me?" Natasha asked.

"I think he is trying to call you eye candy." Bucky told her and she and Pepper both glared at him so he shut up.

"I think he is calling you and Thor eye candy too." Sam told Steve.

Steve and Thor simply shrugged.

"Well, let's continue." Odinson said.

Tony said it was one thing to question the official story and another to insinuate that he was a superhero, to which she replied that she didn't. Tony started backtracking when Rhodes told him to stick to the cards and he agreed. "Truth is…" Tony looked up and his face went completely blank as the conference appeared on a TV screen with Russian subtitles below it, "I am Iron Man."

"And there it is again." Fury said.

"You announcing yourself as Iron Man started an entire new generation." Vision told Tony who nodded.

"Don't let that get to your head." Pepper said.

"I won't, honey." Tony told her.

An old man lay on the bed and watched television and called out to someone called Ivan.

"Isn't that-" Hill began.

"Anton Vanko." Fury said.

"Ah. So this is what we're watching." Tony said.

A man with a hard, careworn face- Ivan Vanko, walked inside to his father Anton Vanko. Anton pointed at the TV and said it should be Ivan as Ivan told him not to listen to that crap.

"Did he just call that conference crap?" Tony asked in mock offense.

"I think it was a good conference." Steve of all people said and everyone was surprised he was speaking for Tony.

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