Chapter 15: Howard's greatest creation

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What did you do next?" Sam asked Rhodes.

"You will see." Rhodes said.

In the Air Traffic Control room at the top of a tower, Major Allen and several other cadets stood as Rhodes flew down in his War Machine armor and landed while they all looked at him in awe.

"Nice landing." Natasha said.

"Thanks." Rhodes told her.

Major Allen was awed as Rhodes said they should take it inside and they did.

"Well, you're getting popular." Tony said and Rhodes sighed.

"Why did you fly away with the Suit?" Peter asked innocently.

"Because by giving them one suit, I'm preventing them from barging into Tony's house to take away all of them." Rhodes said.

"Thanks mate." Tony said and Rhodes shrugged.

"Even though you were a dick to me and Pepper, though you had a reason for that, I got your back." Rhodes said.

"Me too." Pepper said as the two held hands and Tony nodded at both of them.

Tony was sitting somewhere, still wearing his Suit, with the exception of the helmet, eating donuts.

"That is a lot of donuts." Steve said.

"I was hungover." Tony shrugged.

"Maybe you should try some water." Bruce told him.

Then it was revealed that Tony was sitting inside an actual huge donut of a restaurant called "Randy's Donuts."

"Now that is a big donut." Thor said.

"Biggest one I have seen so far." Odinson agreed.

A very familiar voice asked Tony to 'exit the donut' as he looked down to see Fury standing in his trench coat. He looked at Tony and walked off.

"And our Director is here." Hill said with a smirk.

"Never thought I'd tell you to exit a donut." Fury told Stark.

"And I never thought I would exit a donut." Tony said.

"How do you exit a donut?" Pepper wondered.

Later, Tony was sitting in an empty restaurant with Fury and a cup of coffee. Tony told him he didn't want to join Fury's band as Fury asked sarcastically how that was working out.

"Pretty terrible." Aunt May said.

Tony asked if he should look in the eye or the eyepatch and asked if it was a hallucination.

"You shouldn't ask that." Clint told Tony.

"Look at the eye. Never at the eyepatch." Fury said and everyone wondered what that was about.

Fury leaned forward across the table and said, "I am very real. I'm the realest person you're ever gonna meet."

"Can't argue with that." Tony said.

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