Chapter 47:Escape plan

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You're telling me they all actually team up after that scuffle?" Tony asked.

"As hard as it is to believe, yeah they do." Odinson said.

"So, how often do they try to kill each other in a day?" Sam asked.

"About 3." Benjamin joked.

The four were transported to the Kyln and as they were led through the area, Rocket said that while most of the Nova Corps wanted to uphold the law, the ones in here were corrupt and cruel. Not that it was his problem as he had escaped 22 different prisons before and this one was no different.

"Then why are you talking in front of the guard about it?" Natasha asked.

"The guard is too dumb." Logan told her.

Rocket told Quill he was lucky Gamora had shown up or him and Groot would be collecting the bounty right now as Quill said many had tried to kill him over the years and he won't be brought down by a tree and a talking raccoon. Rocket had no idea what a raccoon was as Quill told him he was one and he said there was no one like him.

"So he doesn't know what he is?" Steve asked.

"He is a rabbit." Thor said.

"Rabbit with a big mouth." Loki told everyone.

"He is a result of experimentation." Logan said and everyone looked at him in sympathy.

Quill commented how the Orb had a blue shiny suitcase asked what it was. "I am Groot." Groot said. Quill didn't understand and asked again.

"I'm guessing that's the only word he says." Rhodes said.

"That's his language." Thor said.

Quill asked Gamora what it was and she said had no words for an honorless thief. Rocket said it was high and mighty coming from the lackey of a genocidal maniac, saying he knew who she was. Most people did. Quill told her he knew who she was and then asked who she was bur Groot gave the same response.

"I think he is going to annoy Quill to death with his vocabulary." Peter said.

Gamora said she wasn't retrieving the Orb for Ronan but betraying him as she had an agreement to sell it to a third party. Groot once again repeated his line as Quill dryly said it was as fascinating as the first 89 times he had heard that and asked Rocket what was wrong with him. Rocket said, "Well, he don't know talking good like me and you. So his vocabulistics is limited to "I" and "am" and "Groot." Exclusively in that order"

"What a unique way to talk isn't it?" Aunt May said dryly.

Quill said that was going to get old really fast when he saw a blue alien using his Walkman and wearing his headphones. Quill ran in, telling him to put it away as it belonged to him but received a shock from a taser rod in response.

"Good to know some things are same on all planets." Clint joked dryly.

"This guy is an idiot." Wanda said about Quill, agreeing with Rhodes.

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