Chapter 49: Bunch of jackasses standing in a circle

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So, how are they going to beat him now?" Tony asked.

"You won't believe me if I told you." Benjamin told him.

"Really? Something ridiculous?" Rhodes asked.

"Kind of." Logan said.

"Sort of." Odinson said at the same time.

"We need to see that." Sam said.

Groot dragged Drax out of the fountain and turning his branch into a sharp fingernail, hit his chest, making him cough out all the fountain water as he woke up and started breathing.

"The biggest idiot is awake!" Scott said.

"He actually drunk-dialed Ronan." Fury shook his head.

"Revenge does that to people." Odinson told him.

"Still, he went too far with that." Loki said.

Rocket's pod landed and he got out, saying they were all idiots as Quill had gotten himself captured because Drax had single-handedly tried to take on a frickin' army.

"He is right about that." Hill said.

Drax agreed, saying he was a fool and all the anger and rage was just to cover his loss.

"First step in repenting for your mistakes is to realize you've made a mistake." Steve said and everyone nodded, "And he has realized it."

Rocket mocked the deaths of his family in a rage as Groot put a hand on his mouth in horror.

"That was really, really mean." Hope said.

Rocket looked at Groot's face and said he didn't care if it was mean. Everyone had dead people but that was no excuse to get others dead along the way.

"He is right about that too." Natasha said.

"That is a very wise rabbit." Thor said.

"Groot is pretty forgiving." Clint said, "Drax attacked him and he is still comforting him."

"Groot is like Hobbits in a way." Bruce said and nods followed.

Rocket turned away, saying they should get to the other side of the Universe so they could live full lives before Ronan ever got there. Groot stood up and declared, "I am Groot." Rocket asked how they will save them. Groot repeated his line and Rocket said he knew they were the only friends they had but they had an army of Ravagers around them and they were only two. Drax staggered up and putting a hand on Groot's shoulder said, "Three."

"Looks like differences are put aside finally." Pepper said.

"Damn right!" Fury said.

Rocket angrily turned around and kicked grass, "You're making me beat….up grass!"

Everyone burst out laughing as Aunt May said, "He has some pretty funny outbursts."

On the Dark Aster, Ronan was on video call with Thanos as he said the Orb was in his possession. Thanos asked him to bring it to him but Ronan said now that he knew it contained an Infinity Stone, he had no use of Thanos. "Boy. I would reconsider your current course." Thanos said threateningly. Ronan angrily opened the Orb, revealing the Power Stone as Korath warned, "Master! You cannot! Thanos is the most powerful being in the universe." Ronan looked at the Stone and said, "Not anymore." With that, he grabbed the Power Stone with his hand, roaring in anger and pain before Korath handed him his hammer. He managed to put the Power Stone in it.

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