Chapter 36:The Aether

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If it is boring, why are we watching it?" Loki asked.

"Because it is about the Reality Stone." Benjamin said, "And you were actually pretty great in it."

"Oh! Thank you!" A flattered Loki said.

"And me?" Thor asked.

"You were fine. But he stole the show." Logan said.

"All right. Don't show off." Odinson sighed, seeing Loki's smirk as everyone chuckled.

Odin's voice was heard narrating how there was darkness before light and the Dark Elves came from that light. Millennia ago, the most ruthless Dark Elf, Malekith, sought to transform the universe back into one of eternal light. Malekith was shown standing and watching the Convergence.

"Malekith!" Thor snarled angrily.

Odin narrated that this was possible through the power of the Aether, an ancient force of infinite destruction. The Aether was shown in its liquid form with a red background.

"That thing." Loki sighed.

"Very harmful if used against us in a fight." Odinson said.

Malekith then walked out to see a raging battle as his right hand man- Algrim, told him Asgard's forces were upon them. Suddenly, the Bifrost hit the ground, sending many of the Dark Elves flying back as several Einherjar arrived, killing the Dark Elves. Odin's voice narrated how the noble armies of Asgard, led by his father Bor, waged mighty war against those creatures. Bor arrived, holding Gungnir, and killed several Dark Elves with its power.

"Grandfather in all his glory." Thor said.

"He looks pretty badass." Scott said.

"So far, so good." Hope said, wondering how boring it would get based on what the future people thought.

Malekith told Algrim they would survive with their people's sacrifice and told his people to use the Kurse Stones. Some of them used the stones and got enhanced strength and speed, using them to kill some Einherjar.

"Oh no!" Sam said.

Odin's voice narrated that with the Convergence happening, Malekith could finally unleash the Aether. Malekith walked towards the Aether, about to absorb it into himself, when suddenly the Bifrost surrounded it and out stepped 3 Einherjar. They rushed Malekith with roars but he easily dispatched them. He rushed the Aether but the Bifrost took it away. Malekith looked up in despair.

"Looks like he lost his precious." Tony joked and everyone laughed.

"No more than he deserved." Steve said.

Odin's voice narrated that Asgsrd ripped the Aether from his grasp and without it, the Dark Elves fell. Some of the Einherjar were shown together overpowering the Kurse while many of the Dark Elves fell. Odin's voice said that in a desperate attempt for victory, Malekith sacrificed his own people. A ship then fell in the midst of battle and exploded, killing several soldiers from both sides.

"Damn! I had heard of friendly fire. Friendly explosion is new!" Rhodes said.

"He sacrificed his own wife and son in the fight." Odinson said in disgust, horrifying everyone.

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