Chapter 25: I Had a date

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What happened to him after that?" Peter asked.

"He was asked questions." Steve said.

"It's in here." Benjamin told them.

Zola was led into a cell by a guard who handed him his glasses and went out as he examined the room, including some bloodstains on the ground when Phillips walked in with steak, broccoli pieces and some potatoes as he asked Zola to sit down. Zola asked what was in it and Phillips said it was a cow and asked him if he knew how hard it was to get a prime cut in these parts. Zola said he didn't eat meat.

"Dang." Peter said.

"All that effort and he is a vegetarian." Rhodes said.

Phillips started eating it himself and asked if cyanide gave him a rumbly tummy too as every Hydra agent they had captured had eaten it before being interrogated which meant Zola wanted to live.

"Or he is just too valuable." Scott said.

"I think Schmidt would still want him dead if he is captured." Natasha pointed out.

Zola realized Phillips was trying to intimidate him but Phillips pointed out he had brought him dinner.

"Which you won't even eat." Tony said.

Phillips handed Zola a paper which said he was being remounted to Switzerland in exchange for his full cooperation.

Steve and Bucky snarled angrily.

Phillips said he had sent that encoded message to Washington. Zola said Schmidt would know it's a lie.

"So they broke the codes." Hope sighed.

"They do have more advanced tech." Fury said.

Phillips said Schmidt would kill Zola anyway and the last person he had cost them was Captain Rogers' closest friend so they wouldn't count on the best of protection.

"And yet you recruited him." Steve snarled.

"There was a lot of opposition to this." Hill said, "But they still did it."

"And because of that, Hydra was a pain in our ass years later." Daisy said.

"Yeah, it was just the worst." Bobbi said too as she remembered infiltrating Hydra.

Phillips told him it was him or Schmidt. Zola said Schmidt believed he walked in the footsteps of the Gods and only the world would satisfy him. Phillips said that was nuts.

"With the Teserract on his side, no." Bruce said.

Zola said the sanity of the plan was of no consequence because he could do it. Phillips asked where his target was and Zola said his target was everywhere.

Everyone shivered slightly at that.

In a Hydra base, Red Skull stood near the Valkyrie in front of his men who stood in attention as he said the next day Hydra would be master of the world on the Valkyrie's wings. If their powerless enemies shot down one plane, hundreds more will take its place and if they cut off one head, two more shall take its place.

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