Chapter 31:Break 3

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Everyone sat quietly in the dining room, eating silently as the people from the past tried to process what they had just witnessed and heard.

"Half of all life in the Universe." Tony scoffed, "And I thought Ultron was bad."

"Thanos was feared by many throughout the galaxy." Benjamin said, "For good reason."

"And he tortured you?" Thor asked Loki.

"Y-yes." Loki said, appearing a bit traumatized, "He did. And then he gave me the Scepter and allowed me to lead the Chitauri against Earth."

"You always planned to double cross him?" Steve asked.

"Yes." Loki said, "I wanted to rule the Earth but knowing his intentions, I intended to hide the Teserract from him. I was crazy, but not crazy enough to wipe out half of all life in the Universe."

"That is very reassuring." Clint said dryly.

"And to do that, he needed the stones?" Wanda asked and everyone from the future nodded.

"If he tries that, I feel the Mind Stone will warn me." Vision said.

"It will. But it's of no use, bub." Logan told him.

"Compared to him, you actually seem like the mischievous little brother Thor always makes you out to be." Bruce told Loki.

"If that ever happened, I can't imagine how badly the world would be affected." Aunt May said.

"Accidents will happen. Governments will fall." Pepper said.

"There will be riots, man." Scott said, "It'll be a disaster."

"And he thinks it will save everyone?" Hope scoffed.

"Why didn't he just double the resources?" Peter asked.

"He was told 'no' to an idea that he had felt was the only solution." Odinson said.

"And then he was proven right to himself when that solution was not acted upon." Storm said.

"So, his Messianic complex- he is now committed to following through on the idea that he had many, many years ago." Logan said and everyone visibly shook. Logan himself was reminded of Erik Lensherr who was like Thanos in that regard, though not insane.

"Insane, committed and believes he is doing the right thing." Steve summed it all up.

"Now that is just horrible." Sam said.

"No kidding." Rhodes agreed.

Natasha had remained silent this whole time, processing some other info and decided it was time to act on it now.

"Daisy." She said and the woman in question looked up to her, "How do you know Coulson?"

The question caught her off guard, "What?"

"There is no record of you in SHIELD before Coulson's death." Natasha said, "And he never mentioned knowing someone by your name. So I'm going to ask again, how do you know Coulson?"

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