Chapter 42: The Truth about hydra Revealed

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Tony started, "Massive manhunt coming in 3-2…"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. We know." Natasha said.

Sitwell told all agents, including Sharon Carter, to bury their current op as what they were dealing with now was Level 1. They had to contact all required authorities to help capture Steve Rogers. Sharon said if SHIELD was conducting a manhunt for Captain America, they deserved to know why. Alexander Pierce arrived and said because he had lied to them.

"No." Fury snorted, "Because you are lying to them."

He said Captain America had withheld information about Nick Fury's death. Looking at the photo of Steve on the monitor, he said as difficult as it was to accept, Captain America was now a fugitive from SHIELD. Then there was a beeping sound. A tech based agent looked up from her computer and said they had found him.

"They found you?" T'Challa asked.

"Part of me." Steve said.

Some cars drove up to the location and the agents walked out with guns out as everyone ran around in fear. Walking into a basketball court, they stopped the practice and realized they were getting closer to the source. It was a bag. When they opened it though, all they found was Steve's mask and his suit.

"Wow!" Clint said as everyone looked at the scene with wide eyes, "Just wow!"

"Looks like you learnt stuff from SHIELD after all." Hill said.

Steve was walking in the hospital, wearing his hoodie as he stopped in front of the vending machine but the hard drive and the bubblegum he had kept it behind were all gone. That was when Natasha walked up behind him, blowing the bubblegum.

"And you're already there." Bucky said to Natasha as everyone chuckled.

Steve dragged her to a nearby room and pinned her to a wall, asking her about the drive. She said it was safe and asked why Fury gave it to him. He asked what was on it and she said she didn't know so he asked her to stop lying. She said she only acted like she knew everything.

"Well, you act really well." Sam told her.

"Be a little gentle, man." Bucky told Steve.

"SHIELD was killing my back at the time." Steve said.

"Come on guys, there are better things to fight over than me." Natasha joked and everyone laughed.

Steve said Natasha would probably know why Fury hired the pirates and she said it made sense as Fury needed a way in and so did he. Steve said he was not gonna ask again so she said she knew who killed Fury.

"Too much actually." Natasha said and Bucky sighed.

Natasha said most of the intelligence community didn't believe in his existence and those that did called him the Winter Soldier. He had been credited with over 2 dozen assassinations in the last 50 years. Steve wondered if he was a ghost story but Natasha told him 5 years ago she was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran and somebody shot out her tires near Odessa. They lost control and went straight over a cliff. She pulled them out but the Winter Soldier was there. She was covering the engineer so he shot him through her. Soviet slug. No rifling. She lifted up her jacket and shirt to show a scar on her abdomen and said sarcastically, "Bye-bye bikinis." Steve sarcastically said, "Yeah, I bet you look terrible in them now."

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