Chapter 58:Recovery

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And now we have to hide." Tony said.

"Yeah. I remember." Clint said as he shot Tony a glare for a second before they all turned to the screen.

"Thank you, Clint." Steve said, "You risked a lot by bringing us to your home."

Clint simply nodded.

In the Quinjet, a traumatized Bruce was sitting quietly. Steve, Thor and Natasha were also trying to shake off the traumatizing visions they had while Hill sarcastically told Tony on video call that the news was loving them but the others not so much. There had been no official call for Bruce's arrest but it was in the air while the Stark Relief Foundation was on the scene. She asked how the team was.

"Not good at all." Natasha said.

"And very traumatized." Bruce added while Wanda and Scarlet Witch winced in guilt.

"Look, there's a picture of Captain America in your office, Hill!" Hope said to lighten the mood and made Hill blush again.

"Crush confirmed." Scott said in her support.

"I think Hope is the captain of that ship." Bucky joked and everyone laughed while Steve and Hill blushed in embarrassment.

Tony said they had taken a hit but they'd shake it off. Hill said for now they should stay in stealth mode and stay away from New York until they could find Ultron as she had nothing else to offer. Tony said they didn't either as the call was cut. He asked Clint if he wanted to switch out but he said he was good and they were few hours from a safe house.

"A very safe house." Fury added.

"All thanks to you." Clint said.

They eventually landed in the middle of a farm and everyone followed Clint as he supported Natasha and they walked into a house. Thor wondered what the place was and Tony said it was a safe house. Clint walked in and said, "Honey? I'm home." A woman who looked a few months pregnant walked out and kissed Clint happily while Tony commented she was an agent.

Everyone chuckled as Hope finally said, "Busted."

"Been ages since you said that." Scott commented.

"Nice to hear it again." Thor said.

Clint introduced her as Laura who said she already knew all their names. Tony waved awkwardly as a little boy and a little girl arrived. Clint hugged them both and lifted the girl. Tony commented they were smaller agents.

"We don't employ anyone at that age." Fury said and everyone chuckled.

"My little girl has grown a lot in just 3 years." Clint commented, "Almost seems like too much." [1]

"Well, we all grow up some time." Sam said.

"Yeah, like me." Benjamin said and everyone chuckled.

Lila asked if he had brought Auntie Nat and Clint said they could hug her to find out. The children ran towards her as she hugged them both happily too.

"So you were the only one outside of Barton, Fury, Hill and Coulson to know about them." Loki said.

"Yeah, I was the only one." Natasha said.

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