Chapter 20: Worthy again

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What did you do before becoming worthy again?" Steve asked.

"Hung out with Erik, Jane and Darcy." Thor said.

Erik told Jane Thor was in jail for committing a crime as she argued. Darcy pointed to "Myeuh-myeuh" in the book as Jane asked him where he had got it to which he said in the children's section to show them how sill his story was.

"Except it wasn't." Loki smirked and everyone nodded.

Jane pointed out how Erik told her to follow all the leads as he said he was talking about science, not magic. Jane said science was just magic they didn't understand.

"Damn right." Fury said.

She cited Arthur C. Clarke who wrote science fiction that was a precursor to scientific facts and that if there was an Einstein-Rosen Bridge, advanced beings could have crossed it as Darcy said a primitive culture like the Vikings could have worshipped them as Gods.

"Now they're just harassing the poor guy." Steve said.

"They can be persistent." Thor said.

At the SHIELD base, Coulson said how Thor made his men, some of the most highly trained professionals in the world look like a bunch of minimum wage mall cops which was hurtful.

"And very embarrassing too." Fury said.

"Like I said, the humiliation of SHIELD." Bobbi said.

Coulson asked Thor where he had gotten his training and who he was but got no reply due to how shocked Thor was. He said they were good at getting info but got a call so he walked off, telling Thor not to go anywhere.

"I'm sure you would go somewhere if you weren't in so much shock." Logan said.

"Oh absolutely." Thor agreed as everyone laughed.

"SHIELD would get even more humiliated in a single day." Daisy said.

"Which is not something he would want." Hill said about Fury.

"Yes, it would make my week even worse." Fury said.

"And I wouldn't want to do that." Odinson said.

Loki then appeared, shocking Thor.

"Oh boy!" Sam said.

"This wasn't pretty, was it?" Storm asked.

"Nope." Thor and Odinson said at the same time as the former glared at Loki.

"Sorry." He said.

Thor asked him why he was here, to which Loki replied their father had passed away, shocking Thor as tears fell out of his eyes.

"Jackass." Tony said to Loki.

"I know." He said.

Loki said how Thor's banishment and the threat of the war was too much for Odin to bear and that it was cruel to put the hammer within Thor's reach, knowing he couldn't lift it and that the burden of the throne had fallen to him now.

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