Chapter 35: The Clean Slate Protocol

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Now the moron is about to get his." Logan said.

Killian injected Pepper with some more Extremis. She told him Tony would never help him. He said he hadn't taken her just to motivate Tony but as his trophy, humiliating her.

"Bastard." Tony snarled as Pepper looked at the screen with a pale face.

"Just die already." Bucky said to Aldrich.

That was when the Iron Patriot landed. Pepper was horrified at first, thinking Rhodes was working with Aldrich. But then the armor opened up and President Ellis fell down, horrifying Pepper even more as Aldrich welcomed him mockingly.

"I would die before working with these rats." Rhodes said.

"I know." Pepper told him, "I was too shocked at that moment though."

"I know." Rhodes told her.

Killian took Ellis to another room and reminded him of Roxxon Norco, which had spilled a million gallons of crude off Pensacola but because of him, no one had seen a day at court. Ellis asked what he wanted and Aldrich said he didn't want anything, except a reason to kill him that would play well on TV. He had found a new political patron who would have Ellis' job the next day. His men dragged Ellis away.

"He planned it out to the last detail." A disgusted Steve said, "What a madman."

"And the traitor Rodriguez is already poised to take his job too." Frank snarled.

Tony and Rhodes snuck into the area with guns in hand, avoiding detection. They eventually hid behind some barrels as Rhodes saw Ellis in the Iron Patriot armor strung up over the oil. Tony realized it was a Viking funeral.

"Insulting the Viking customs." Thor snarled angrily.

"This guy is getting worse every second." Loki sighed.

"I know." Odinson agreed.

As Aldrich and the broadcasters were about to start the rehearsal, Tony and Rhodes rushed up the stairs as Tony held his gun up on Rhodes' order who gave him some instructions.

Everyone chuckled at the instructions.

"I won't shoot you in the back." Tony said.

"Don't blame him for thinking that." Natasha said and he winced.

The two were fired at by a guard from above. Tony fired back but missed as they took cover. Tony said no one could hit a light bulb from this distance. Rhodes then did exactly that.

Everyone laughed as Clint said, "Nice shot."

"Thanks." Rhodes said.

Tony and Rhodes then argued about the guns before Tony looked up to see if anyone was coming. Rhodes asked if he had seen anything but Tony said he was too fast so he looked up again and saw 3 guys and 1 girl, all of whom were armed. As they were surrounded, Rhodes said he would kill for some armor and Tony agreed, saying they needed backup. "You know what?" Tony said. The two saw something flying in the distance. "Is that-" "Yup." "Are those-" "Yup."

"Now the real deal is here." Jessica said.

An entire army of Iron Man suits flew down to the area, stopping above it as they all assembled, surrounding the Extremis soldiers.

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