Chapter 53: Taserface

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So Quill, Gamora and Drax are with daddy dearest, who is not a good guy, and Rocket, Groot and Yondu are captured by Nebula and the Ravagers." Tony summed up.

"Yeah, that sums it all up." Logan said.

"They are in a tight spot." Steve observed.

'My Sweet Lord' started playing on Quill's Walkman as another planet appeared. The ship landed there and a floating device flew out with Quill, Gamora, Drax, Ego and Mantis on it as Ego welcomed them to his world. Quill was shocked that he owned a planet as he said it was no larger than Terra's moon.

"Wow! He has his own planet!" Peter said in awe.

"So he basically created his own planet?" Scott asked.

"He doesn't own a planet." Odinson said.

"He is the planet." Logan said, shocking everyone to an entirely new level.

"He is the planet?" Sam asked and got nods from the three of them.

"So basically, he is walking on himself?" Natasha asked and more nods followed.

"Yeah, he is just that powerful." Benjamin said, "Let's keep watching."

Drax said Ego was humble and he liked it. He too was extraordinarily humble.

Everyone burst out in laughter as Tony said, "And my name is in the dictionary next to humble."

"His name is Ego. What more proof does Drax need?" Pepper said with a laugh.

"That is a beautiful planet though." Bucky said and nods followed.

"Yeah. I'm guessing even bad guys can make some good stuff here and there." Hill said.

Gamora touched the bubble like objects above them and Drax touched one too. It burst into many smaller ones and Drax laughed hysterically.

Everyone laughed again as Rhodes said, "His laugh gets me every time."

Everyone looked around in awe as Ego led them to his palace. There they saw a fountain with many devices resembling fishes. Gamora said he owned a planet and could destroy two dozen spaceships without a suit so what exactly was he. He said he was a Celestial. Quill asked if it was like a god. Ego said with a small 'g' on the days he was feeling as humble as Drax.

"Which is not humble at all." Fury said and laughter followed.

They went inside as he showed them a projection of what looked like a brain. He said he remembered flickering, adrift in the cosmos alone. Over millions of years, he learnt to control the molecules around him and grew smarter and stronger. And then the brain transformed into some kind of planet. He said he continued building from there and turned into the very planet they walked on, awing them as another projection of the now completed planet appeared.

"Damn! That is very, very powerful!" Tony said.

"So now if he turns out to evil, they can't kill him just like that." Hope said.

He said he wanted more as there must be life in the universe beyond him. So he set to finding more life and created what he imagined biological life to be like. And then a projection of his younger human form appeared. Drax asked if he made a penis and Gamora asked what was wrong with him.

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