Chapter 57: Hulk vs Hulkbuster

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We didn't really take your actions well, did we?" Natasha asked.

"I can understand why." Tony said.

"Yeah, I think a city hall debate was needed for this one." Bruce agreed.

Everyone looked at the remainders of the suits as Bruce said all their work was gone and Ultron had escaped using the Internet as an escape hatch. Natasha said Ultron had been in everything and knew more about them than they knew about each other. Rhodes and Hill wondered if he would try to access nuclear codes. Rhodes said they needed to make some calls while they still could. Steve said he didn't want them dead but extinct. Clint remembered he had killed someone and Hill said there was no one else in the building to kill. Tony said there was as he showed them the neuron form of Jarvis, now destroyed.

"It was pretty painful." Vision remembered, "And made me a temporary amnesiac."

"Yes. I remember." Tony said, "I was the one who found you after that."

"You did great while stopping Ultron at least." Bruce told him.

"Yes. He feared you." Wanda said.

"One of the few the bastard feared." Logan said.

Everyone was horrified as Bruce said this was insane and Steve said Jarvis was the first line of defense and would have shut Ultron down. Bruce said Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis. This wasn't strategy, this was rage. That was when Thor arrived and angrily lifted Tony by the throat.

"All right! You were upset! You only gave him permission to carry research on the Scepter, not use its technology! But was lifting him by the throat really necessary?" Pepper asked Thor with a glare, who seemed to be ashamed of that action of his.

"I was consumed by rage in the moment but you're about this. You may have crossed a line, but I did too. I'm sorry." Thor said.

"Me too." Odinson added.

Tony nodded, accepting the genuine apology.

Thor said he had more than enough words to describe Stark as Steve inquired about the Legionnaire. Thor said trail had gone cold 100 miles out but it was headed north and had the Scepter so they had to retrieve it again. Natasha said Ultron was a threat clear and present as Cho asked why Ultron was trying to kill them when they had designed it. Tony started chuckling and then laughing in spite of Bruce's protests.

"You laughing isn't helping matters either." Rhodes told Tony who nodded.

"At least this experience here made you more responsible." Pepper told him.

"Yes it did." Tony said.

"Good to know." Benjamin told him.

Thor asked if he thought this funny and said this could have been avoided if he hadn't played with something he didn't understand. Tony said they didn't get why he needed to do this.

"We do get it. Not big fans of how it was done though." Clint said.

"Now that they say it, I'm an idiot for helping you instead of pointing out the flaws in the plan." Bruce said.

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