Chapter 69: The raft

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Everyone was tense, horrified by their actions in the recording.

"Based on your reactions, I feel you are all feeling guilt for your mistakes." Benjamin said, "In that case, I hope you all learn from it. You too Vision."

Vision nodded, still reeling from the revelation. Clearly, he needed to be better.

In a bar in Russia, Zemo was on the phone, talking to the maid from his hotel in Berlin. He requested his breakfast be brought up to his room.

"Planning on me finding out." Tony said.

"Ah!" Steve said.

The maid knocked on the door to his room before opening it. She walked in, carrying his tray, confused upon finding no one there. She put it down and, to her horror, found a body in the shower.

"Shit!" Sam and Rhodes said.

Peter was horrified by Zemo's brutality as Aunt May patted his head.

"Poor psychiatrist." Wanda muttered.

"No kidding." Clint agreed.

"And poor maid." Natasha said and nods followed.

In a Quinjet, Bucky asked Steve what would happen to the others. Steve sighed, worried about them but promised he'll deal with whatever happens. Bucky expressed doubt that he's worth 'all this'.

"You are." Steve said.

"It's not about me anymore." Bucky said, "It's about Zemo."

Steve pointed out Bucky didn't have a choice when he was The Winter Soldier but Bucky pointed out that, lack of choice or not, he still did all those things.

Clint watched Bucky in sympathy, feeling kinship with him in the moment.

At a hospital, Rhodes was getting an X-Ray as Tony and Vision watched.

Rhodes, Sam and Tony winced as Vision's guilt increased.

Tony demanded to know what happened and Vision admitted he became distracted.

"So, distracted enough to use a kill shot?" Natasha asked and Vision winced.

"Let's not talk about it right now." Steve said, "But we have to discuss this later."

"I realize now the entire plan to hit you was stupid, Sam." Rhodes said, "Really stupid. So a bit of it is my fault too."

Sam shook his head, telling him not to blame himself. He had lost his legs after all and could only walk due to the leg braces Tony had made for his friend.

Tony walked down the hall and saw Natasha.

Tony and Natasha winced, remembering their unpleasant conversation after that.

Later, at the Compound, Tony gave Natasha Rhodes' status, saying its likely he would suffer from some sort of paralysis.

Everyone looked at Rhodes in sympathy.

"138. I38 combat missions. That's how many I've flown. Every one of them could have been my last, but I flew them. Because the fight needed to be fought. It's the job; it's the risk we all take. And this hasn't changed my mind about being an Avenger." Rhodes told them and it was silent in the room.

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