Chapter 55: He isn't your daddy

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So how're they going to beat an entire planet?" Tony asked.

"Just watch." Odinson said.

"Pity they don't have the Bifrost." Scott said as he glanced over at Loki who winced a little but seemed amused.

"I feel a living planet will try to resist it." Loki said.

"Yeah, it is more difficult than you think." Thor agreed.

"Let's see what Ego can do in his most powerful form." Natasha said.

"A lot." Logan told everyone.

On Earth in Missouri, the plant Ego had planted years ago started expanding with energy and the people ran around in terror as the energy destroyed a shop nearby along with several trees and continued expansion.

"Shit!" Tony, Rhodes and Sam said at the same time.

"I heard about that." Fury said, "But it went as soon as it came so couldn't investigate."

"Yeah, too quick." Hill agreed.

"I heard of that too." Tony remembered.

"The only reason we weren't there was because it ended really quickly." Steve said too.

"Which means we have to watch the movie." Clint said and everyone turned to the screen again.

As Ego continued, Drax kicked the door open and rushed in with Gamora, Nebula and Mantis as Ego turned to them. And then the ceiling shattered as the pod from the Quadrant flew in and Yondu yelled, "Hey there, jackass!" He then crashed it on top of Ego.

Everyone clapped as Bucky said, "Take that, jackass!"

"Hope you liked it." Bruce said.

On Earth, the expanding energy froze in one place and the people stopped.

Everyone sighed in relief.

The door opened as Groot waved and Drax yelled, "Out of the way dumber, smaller Groot!"

"You should have said 'really adorable Groot.'" Hope said and nods followed.

Drax climbed as Groot hit his shoulder but he was unaffected. The vine disappeared and Quill fell down as Gamora helped him up and said she had told him something wasn't right and Quill said it was just what he needed to hear. Gamora said she had returned and Quill said it was because of the unspoken thing.

Literally everyone facepalmed as Pepper said, "Right now? Really?"

"Pathetic." Aunt May muttered.

Drax told Rocket he could have killed them all and Rocket seemed angry as they were ungrateful to him. Drax said they had it under control and Mantis said they didn't as that was only an extension of Ego.

"Uh-oh." Sam said as everyone else paled.

"Yeah, 'uh-oh' sounds about right." Benjamin said.

Quill asked why Nebula was here and she said she needed a ride home. Rocket said she had tried to murder him and she called him a fox and said she had saved his life. Rocket said he wasn't a fox and Groot said his line. Rocket said he wasn't a 'raboon' and Groot repeated his line and Rocket said he wasn't a 'raccoon.'

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