Chapter 14: Drunken Brawl

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I have a feeling the government will us this to their advantage." Steve said.

"Right you are, Cap." Tony said.

On the TV, Stern was berating Tony for the incident at Monaco and his statement of the Suit not being invented for 5 to 10 years which was wrong. Tony muted the TV and told Pepper that Stern should give them a medal.

"He did eventually." Rhodes said.

"Yup. I remember that." Tony smirked.

"It was amusing to watch." Fury remembered as everyone snickered.

Pepper asked about the food which Tony said was her in-flight meal. She asked him if he had made that, to which he told her it had taken three hours.

"Awwww." Natasha, Hill and Aunt May said at the same time as Tony and Pepper blushed.

"That was nice of you, Tony." Steve said and Tony shrugged.

Pepper asked Tony what he wasn't telling her.

"The fact that you're dying." Sam said dryly.

"Due to metal poisoning." Logan added.

"From the thing that's supposed to keep you alive." Bruce said as Tony winced.

Tony said he didn't want to go home and that they should take a holiday but Pepper said as CEO she needed to be there. Tony then said as CEO she was entitled to a leave or as he called it- company retreat. Pepper said this wasn't the time due to the mess but Tony said that made it the best time.

"You're not making much sense." Peter said.

"When do I?" Tony shrugged.

"At that time, you made even less sense than usual." Pepper told him.

"Apparently, almost dying brought out the worst in Mr. Stark." Vision noted.

"Pepper as a CEO can take a leave but not that early." Natasha said and everyone nodded.

Tony said they needed to recharge their batteries but Pepper told him not everyone ran on batteries and both smiled.

"I thought you were going to give another quip." T'Challa said.

"Wasn't in the mood." Tony shrugged.

Ivan was sitting in his cell when the guard put a food tray on his cell. He picked it up and saw a message on it that said "Enjoy the potatoes." Ivan turned the white lump to see a bomb with a timer.

"Okay, those are not potatoes." Sam said.

"Duh!" Tony said as if it was obvious.

"I have always wondered how he escaped." Natasha said.

"Well, we're about to find out." Clint said.

"Damn right." Fury agreed.

Another prisoner was shoved inside and his inmate number was the same as Ivan, which caused Ivan to smirk.

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