Chapter 43: Who the hell is bucky

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"Sitwell better watch out." Tony said.

"Yeah. He better." Pepper agreed.

"No. He better not." Fury said, "So that he gets what is coming to him."

Stern and Sitwell walked together as the former told the latter he was flying home due to constituency problems and needed to press the flesh. Sitwell asked if there was any constituency in particular and Stern said she was 23 and hot and an aspiring reporter. Sitwell said she didn't sound like much of a problem but Stern said she was killing his back.

"Creepy old perv." Tony said.

They agreed this wasn't the best place to talk about it and hugged each other as Stern said 'Hail Hydra' in Sitwell's ear.

"And busted." Hope said.

"Prepare to say it again in a few minutes." Steve told her with a smirk.

Stern walked away, pointing at his knee and saying he should probably get it checked.

"Don't worry. If there is no problem, I will shatter it." Rhodes said.

"I'll shatter the other one." Tony said.

Stern walked off with his men as Sitwell's phone rang and he asked his men to bring the car around. He accepted the call as it was from Alexander Pierce but Sam Wilson spoke instead, asking him how was lunch and that the crab cakes were delicious. Sitwell asked who he was and he said the good looking guy on his 10 o' clock. He looked there but Sam said his other 10 o' clock. That was when he saw Sam sitting there and he raised a drink saying, "There you go."

Everyone clapped for Sam as Bucky said, "Now that's how you threaten these people."

"I have my moments." Sam said.

Sitwell asked what he wanted and Sam said he was going to go to the corner to his right. There was a gray car two spaces down and they were going to take a ride. Sitwell asked what if he refused and Sam said his tie looked really expensive and he would hate to mess it up. Sitwell noticed a laser pointed at his tie and looked around in horror.

Everyone clapped and cheered again as Hill said, "Take that you bastard!"

"These morons are all getting theirs now." Logan said.

Later, Sitwell was pushed on a rooftop as Steve and Natasha walked up to him and the former asked about Zola's algorithm. Sitwell lied he didn't know and Steve asked what he was doing on the Lemurian Star. He said he was getting seasick and throwing up. He was on the edge of the roof as Steve grabbed him by the collar. He then asked if this little display was meant to insinuate that he was going to throw him off the roof because that wasn't really his style. "You're right. It's not." Steve said as he stepped aside, "It's hers." Before Sitwell could react, Natasha kicked him hard, throwing him off the roof as he went down screaming.

Everyone applauded loudly again as Hill said, "Thanks a lot."

Natasha didn't give a verbal response but nodded with a smile.

"You just need the right amount of force to deal with these people." Matt said with a chuckle.

Natasha then asked Steve about the girl from accounting and Steve remembered her name was Lillian. Natasha said she was cute but Steve said he wasn't ready for that.

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