Chapter 23: The Star Spangled Man with A Plan

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So I'm guessing there's training now." Sam said.

"Yup." Steve said, "It's pretty embarrassing."

Steve was shown standing in a line of soldiers as a sharp British female voice asked them to stand in attention.

"Well, well, well." Bucky smirked as Steve blushed.

"So what do we have here?" Tony asked with a smirk.

"Something very nice." Natasha smirked as Steve blushed more.

A woman walked up to them, introducing herself as Agent Carter. She supervised the operations for this division.

"Peggy." Steve smiled sadly as he remembered carrying her coffin. Both Bucky and Natasha put their hands on his shoulder for comfort as Sam nodded at him. He nodded back appreciatively.

"Peggy Carter." Fury said, "One of SHIELD's founders.

"A very important figure in our history." Hill said.

"I know." Daisy said.

"She was an inspiration to us all." Bobbi said.

"The way you all speak of her justify Sharon's decision to hide her surname." Steve commented.

"Don't blame her." Clint said.

One of the recruits mocked her accent by calling her Queen Victoria and she asked him his name, to which he replied Gilmore Hodge. She beckoned him and asked him to put his right foot in the front. He did and said she would like some of his moves.

"Bad idea." Loki said.

"Do you not know death when you see it?" Thor asked and everyone chuckled at the reference.

Peggy punched him hard, sending him to the ground.

Everyone clapped happily at the scene.

"And that's why you don't mess with Peggy Carter." Natasha said.

"I know. No one should." Steve sighed.

"I like her already." Tony said, "Wish dad introduced me to her."

"If he did, I don't think she would take kindly to your behavior." Pepper told him.

"She's right man." Rhodes said.

"Which would be a good thing." Tony simply said. [1]

"She's such a badass." Peter said.

"Yeah, she sure is." Scott said.

"And she knows how to teach bullies a lesson." Hope said.

"I learnt it from her." Steve smirked.

"You had good influences around you, Captain." Aunt May said.

"Well, the asshat has been dealt with for now." Logan said.

That was when Colonel Chester Phillips arrived, amused on seeing how Peggy was already breaking in the recruits as he asked Gilmore Hodge to get his ass of the ground and not do anything until told. He immediately complied.

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